Dr. Pillai's

Wealth, Love, and Enlightenment Program

Personal Evolution in 6 Key Areas of Life


Break the Spell of Karma

“Mentally you can go on writing affirmations and making promises that “I won’t repeat this behavior or I will change this”—but constantly you make the mistake over and over again. Why? Because karma is a spell. The influence of karma forces you to carry on with the misery.

When you become alert, you begin to challenge reality, challenge karma. You are not going to accept things as they are. Every minute you are going to be conscious.”

Rearrange Your Consciousness with Mantras

“If you want to change your mind, change the sounds in your consciousness. Your mind has a sound pattern. Your unconscious has a sound pattern. Even your soul belongs to some vowel or consonant group.

If you change sounds within the system, then you can make lasting changes in your life. The mantras have this ability because they work at a different level, not at the mind level. If you try to change your consciousness at the mind level, the change will be very superficial because it cannot dispel the spell you are under.

By clinging onto the mantra, you can go into a deeper level and rearrange the atoms of your own consciousness.”

— Dr. Pillai

How will you create the life you desire in 2023? What will you do differently and how do you plan to continue your evolution to achieve spiritual and material success? 

Through Pillai Center’s 13-week Wealth, Love & Enlightenment program, you will receive Dr. Pillai’s profound techniques, including immersive ancient meditation techniques and special sacred sounds (mantras), and learn to apply them in your life to manifest your goals in the new year and beyond. Throughout your experience, you will learn what you need to do to become empowered to connect with your God-self and inner creator.

It is your right to experience peace, bliss, a wonderful, fulfilling career, financial wealth, loving, joyous relationships, and all the material comforts you desire. Throughout this experience, you will learn Dr. Pillai’s spiritual solutions that focus on 6 key areas of life:

  • Finances
  • Material Comforts
  • Removing Negativity
  • Relationships
  • Career
  • Enlightenment

You are invited to sign up for the full 13-week experience OR select from monthly enrollment to focus on select modules. Scroll down to see all available options.

This program is targeted to help you learn how to:

  • Attract abundance
  • Manifest miracles
  • Turn your dreams into reality
  • Fulfill your material desires
  • Deepen your spiritual life
  • Create loving and enriching relationships
  • Manifest your ideal career
  • Overcome limitations
  • Live in joy, bliss, and peace

Meet Your Guide, Kalkidas




The Money, Love, & Enlightenment experience will be taught by Sunny (Kalkidas), a long-time student of Dr. Pillai. Since 2009, Sunny has been trained by Dr. Pillai to teach meditation. He has undergone extensive training and development under Dr. Pillai’s guidance to assist people in their transformation on a deeper level. He is able to offer this service with the blessings of Dr. Pillai. Since 2015, Sunny has successfully coached and advised individuals of diverse backgrounds and walks of life. He is considered an expert channel for Dr. Pillai’s teachings that guide impactful change in your life. 

6 Modules of Personal Transformation


You can overcome financial difficulties by breaking the shackles of your financial karma. Learn how to attract wealth and abundance for a happier, more fulfilling life.

Material Comforts

Learn how to manifest your material desires using tools like sacred geometry. You can learn how to remove negativity and limiting beliefs from your consciousness to turn your dreams into reality.

Removing Negativity

Learn how to deal with negative forces and their low-energy patterns. You can learn how to avoid accidents, litigations, debts, health problems, enemies and all other kinds of suffering.


Learn the art of attracting joyful nurturing relationships into your life by aligning with the Divinity within and by using the power of mantra. If you are single, learn how to attract someone who shares your values, goals and ambitions. If you are already in a relationship, you can learn how to deepen your connection with your partner.


Learn how to change your professional karma, thereby, opening the path for greater, more wonderful career opportunities to enter your life. This is all about doing what you love and loving what you do.


Our true purpose in life is to attain Nirvana or freedom from the cycle of life and death, happiness and sadness, joy and grief. Become established in the ever-blissful state to avoid interruption of your inner peace and tranquility.

Included In Your 13-Week Program

*Please note that the components listed below represent a comprehensive overview of the program.

Inclusions will vary by package level.



6 Bi-Weekly Teaching Sessions (Replay)

Receive Dr. Pillai’s tools and techniques to apply in the 6 module topics: Finances, Material Comforts, Removing Negativity, Relationships, Career, and Enlightenment. These sessions will be taught by Sunny [Kalkidas] and will include exclusive recordings and transcripts of Dr. Pillai’s teachings, mantra loop audios, guided meditations, and text companions.

*Included in Fundamentals & Premier



6 Bi-Weekly Practice Sessions (Replay)

Receive module-specific guidance to help you implement Dr. Pillai’s techniques in specific areas of your life, establish a daily practice to solidify your routine and enhance your results, and make the most of what you have learned in each module.

*Included in Fundamentals & Premier



Lifetime Access to Teachings, Audios, and Text Companion for all 6 Modules

You will have permanent access to all written and audio materials in the program, available on your Pillai Center Academy member account. This can be accessed from your computer, tablet, or mobile device.

*Included in Fundamentals & Premier

4-week Intensive Enrollment Options

We are pleased to offer enrollment options per month as an alternative to the full 13-week experience.  Each month of the full program focuses on 2 teachings and 2 targeted outcome areas, and includes 2 Live interactive practice sessions.

Month 1:

Finance & Material Comforts Modules

Month 2:

Removing Negativity & Relationships Modules

Month 3:

Career & Enlightenment Modules

Choose Your Participation

Month 1:

Finances & Material Comforts Modules

  • 6 Bi-Weekly Teaching Sessions (Replay)
  • 6 Bi-Weekly Practice Sessions (Replay)
  • Lifetime Access to Your Program

Price = $128

Month 2:

Removing Negativity & Relationships Modules

  • 6 Bi-Weekly Teaching Sessions (Replay)
  • 6 Bi-Weekly Practice Sessions (Replay)
  • Lifetime Access to Your Program

Price = $128

Month 3:

Career & Enlightenment Modules

  • 6 Bi-Weekly Teaching Sessions (Replay)
  • 6 Bi-Weekly Practice Sessions (Replay)
  • Lifetime Access to Your Program

Price = $128



*On-Demand Replays Avail for Completed Sessions

  • 6 Bi-Weekly Teaching Sessions (Replay)
  • 6 Bi-Weekly Practice Sessions (Replay)
  • Lifetime Access to Your Program

Price = $383

Fundamentals Payment Plan

Price = $105 per month (for 4 Months)




*On-Demand Replays Avail for Completed Sessions

  • 6 Bi-Weekly Teaching Sessions (Replay)
  • 6 Bi-Weekly Practice Sessions (Replay)
  • Lifetime Access to Your Program

Price = $1,017

Premier Payment Plan

Price = $280 per month (for 4 Months)