Personal Shreem Brzee & Kleem Brzee Mantra Initiation

One Session Two Powerful Mantras

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Personal Shreem Brzee & Kleem Brzee Mantra Initiation

One Session Two Powerful Mantras

Limited Spots Available

What is a Personal Initiation?

An initiation is a transmission between teacher and student that puts you in a different state of consciousness. Your “I” consciousness disappears momentarily and you experience the mantra on a much deeper subconscious level, making it exponentially more effective in changing your attraction and abundance consciousness. Some people wait lifetimes to receive a personal initiation.

What to Expect During Your Personal Initiation

During your session, Kalkidas Siddhar or Beth DesMarais will meet with you one-on-one to initiate you into both Kleem Brzee and Shreem Brzee mantras. Through a transmission process, they will impart the mantras to you using specific guidance from Dr. Pillai followed by instructions on meditating with the mantras, what time to meditate, and how to incorporate them into your spiritual practice. It is not merely the letters of the mantra that hold power but the initiation process itself that empowers the mantra for your practice. Your session can be recorded upon request, allowing you to revisit the initiation and the guidance provided.

Shreem Brzee & Kleem Brzee Initiation

Receive the Anointing Initiation into Attraction and Abundance

You can receive a mantra in many ways, particularly through Dr. Pillai’s videos or website. However, the most powerful way to receive it is through anointing initiations.

A Shreem Brzee and Kleem Brzee anointing initiation is receiving the power of the mantra in a personal one-on-one private setting where a teacher authorized by Dr. Pillai will deliver the mantras through an initiation process exclusively designed by Dr. Pillai to bring maximum ‘mantric’ impact.

In Dr. Pillai’s own words:

"The best way to receive it is through the anointing initiations.

You'll be touched by Shreem Brzee. And the Goddess Lakshmi will be with you all the time. You have to be conscious of it.

You will be eating with Lakshmi, driving with Lakshmi, and walking with Lakshmi or doing your chores with Lakshmi. Lakshmi is always with you all the time. Shreem Brzee is Lakshmi, the goddess of Wealth.

God Bless." ~ Dr. Pillai

Shreem Brzee Mantra Initiation

  • Attract Abundance: Release the primordial energies of abundance and prosperity into your life.
  • Create Joy: Fill yourself with higher vibrations of light and joy.
  • Conceive to Create: Expand your ability to conceptualize greater material abundance.

Kleem Brzee Mantra Initiation

  • Strengthen Desire: Unlock the power of Kleem to amplify your desires and manifest your dreams more swiftly and effortlessly.
  • Enhance Focus: Start your day with heightened clarity and concentration.
  • Attract Love and Wealth: Open your mind and spirit to the energies of prosperity and relationships.

Meet Kalkidas Siddhar

Your personal mantra initiation is facilitated by Kalkidas Siddhar, a student of Dr. Pillai for the past 23 years. Since 2016, Dr. Pillai has blessed and trained Kalkidas Siddhar to share His teachings and channel the pure intelligence, compassion, and blessings of the Divine.

He also serves as a private coach and spiritual mentor to hundreds of individuals from diverse backgrounds, including spiritual seekers, business owners, politicians, CEOs, and professionals.

Meet Beth DesMarais

Beth DesMarais (Swarna Bhairavi) is a dedicated instructor and spiritual coach affiliated with Dr. Pillai’s teachings. She has been an integral part of Dr. Pillai’s organizations for over 20 years, contributing to program development, teaching, and coaching. Beth has taught and coached hundreds of students in Phonemic Intelligence, sound meditations, and various spiritual courses.

Dr. Pillai has recognized Beth’s unique spiritual abilities, particularly her gift for invoking the Divine. He has personally trained her to conduct Fire Labs, sacred ceremonies that involve making offerings in a sacrificial fire. During these ceremonies, Beth receives intuitive guidance and sometimes channels messages from divine Archetypes, profoundly impacting participants with transformative spiritual experiences.

In addition to her spiritual work, Beth is also involved in promoting holistic health and well-being through various initiatives and teachings at the Pillai Center.

Meet Kalkidas Siddhar

Your personal mantra initiation is facilitated by Kalkidas Siddhar, a student of Dr. Pillai for the past 23 years. Since 2016, Dr. Pillai has blessed and trained Kalkidas Siddhar to share His teachings and channel the pure intelligence, compassion, and blessings of the Divine.

He also serves as a private coach and spiritual mentor to hundreds of individuals from diverse backgrounds, including spiritual seekers, business owners, politicians, CEOs, and professionals.

Meet Beth DesMarais

Beth DesMarais (Swarna Bhairavi) is a dedicated instructor and spiritual coach affiliated with Dr. Pillai’s teachings. She has been an integral part of Dr. Pillai’s organizations for over 20 years, contributing to program development, teaching, and coaching. Beth has taught and coached hundreds of students in Phonemic Intelligence, sound meditations, and various spiritual courses.

Dr. Pillai has recognized Beth’s unique spiritual abilities, particularly her gift for invoking the Divine. He has personally trained her to conduct Fire Labs, sacred ceremonies that involve making offerings in a sacrificial fire. During these ceremonies, Beth receives intuitive guidance and sometimes channels messages from divine Archetypes, profoundly impacting participants with transformative spiritual experiences.

In addition to her spiritual work, Beth is also involved in promoting holistic health and well-being through various initiatives and teachings at the Pillai Center.

Personal Shreem Brzee & Kleem Brzee

Mantra Initiation Session: $400

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Personal Shreem Brzee & Kleem Brzee

Mantra Initiation Session: $400

"This time I am giving you a one-on-one initiation format where they will impart the mantra in a special way. Imparting a mantra on a one-on-one basis is the proper way of giving a mantra to a student. It is the teacher who invokes the custodians of the teaching, in this case Vishwamitra and me. By their permission, it is being imparted to the individual and a special way of doing the mantra." – Dr. Pillai