Shreem Brzee Immersion

Shreem Brzee | Immersion

4 Steps to Creating Wealth Consciousness

Mind Mantra Yantra Archetype

Early Bird Bonus Expires May 11th. Scroll Down for Details.


"Why Are Most People Poor?  

Many people think that this question is not something to be investigated because it hurts or there is no answer. There is an answer for this question ... 

You have become poor in order to appreciate wealth and become rich. It’s an awakening process.  

If you don’t wake up, your lifetime is wasted. I feel a responsibility to wake people up so that they would understand this great philosophy of life—that you have become poor in order to appreciate wealth, and eventually, to become wealthy.

All that you need to do is to understand the inner. The inner becomes the outer. If outwardly you are poor, that is only a reflection of the inner. The inner core of your being has to be transformed. When you become rich inwardly, it happens outwardly—that is the secret. The Shreem Brzee mantra will do it. 

The primary goal of Shreem Brzee is not just bringing you material wealth, but the greater wealth of consciousness. 

You will get what I call a 200% life, 100% material and 100% spiritual."

Meet Dr. Pillai

Dr. Baskaran Pillai, also known as Dattatreya Siva Baba or Siva Baba, is an accomplished master of the Tamil Siddha tradition and one of the first of his lineage to bring secretive knowledge of the Tamil Siddhas to the West. Wayne Dyer was the first celebrity to follow and publicize Pillai’s manifestation teachings through his book, Manifest your Destiny, which he dedicated to Dr. Pillai. 

The Tamil Siddhas are spiritual renegades who believed in 200% life, i.e. living a 100% material and 100% spiritual life simultaneously.

Dr. Pillai has been an invited speaker in over 40 countries around the world spreading the message of the need of unifying science and religion to enhance personal transformation and promote world peace.

What is Shreem Brzee | Immersion?

Shreem Brzee Immersion is a 6-month long course designed to radically transform your mindset to allow for the creation and experience of wealth in all its forms: 

Health Money Beauty Bliss And More

The techniques you will have access to represent the cutting edge in consciousness development, imparted and empowered by a living Enlightened Master. The program includes ongoing teacher and community interaction to help keep you focused on your transformational daily practice. In addition, Vedic spiritual technologies to support your transformation at the soul level. The program starts May 15th.

Click Play to Learn More About Shreem Brzee and the 4 Steps to Creating Wealth Consciousness

Shreem Brzee | Immersion will teach you 4 steps to creating wealth consciousness...

Step 1: Mindset Repatterning

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." 

— Albert Einstein

The first step to creating wealth consciousness is changing your current mindset. Changing your mindset is a prerequisite for creation, because it is your mind that creates your reality. Quantum physics calls it the “Observer Theory” which says the observer and the observed are the same. The concept of the “observed is the observer” is also within the eastern mystical traditions where they say “you see what you want to see,” and “you become as you think.”

Origin of and influencers of your mindset: 

  • Genes: Biological and soul genetics 
  • Environment: Associates you identify with  
  • Planets: DNA influenced by celestial objects  
  • Past lives: Soul-intelligence

You will learn techniques and spiritual technologies to immoblize, block, and diffuse negative influencers creating lack in your life.  

Step 2: Mantra

“In the Bible it says ‘In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and God created everything with the word.’ What is the word? The word is simply a mantra.” 

— Dr. Pillai

Once you have changed your mindset, the next step is to replace it with one you want, which can be done most powerfully by using sound, or a mantra. Mantras are special sounds that have the ability to create. 

Why sound? Fundamentally, your mind is made up of sound frequencies, and sound creates reality. That sound creates reality is also the finding of modern String Theory that says sound is the fundamental founding block of matter. Your money, your health, your relationship circumstances, they all have their origins in sound waves operating within your mind.

After clearing out negative influences in Step 1, you are ready to plant and integrate new sounds that can create a new reality. For wealth, the sounds are Shreem Brzee.  

Shreem Brzee is a seed mantra, known as “Bija” in Sanskrit. Just as the huge banyan tree is contained in a tiny seed, the entire wealth of the universe is embedded within Shreem Brzee. Once planted into your consciousness, it has the potential to grow and thereafter multiply into all forms of wealth, spiritual and material.

You will learn secretive ways to infuse Shreem Brzee into your prana and chakra system for installing the sounds deep within your consciousness. 

Step 3: Yantra

“The machine is a concept that was known to the vedic seers and the tantric seers and the yogis. The machine is called a yantra." 

— Dr. Pillai

Once you have installed Shreem Brzee into your consciousness, the next step is to learn how to use the Shreem Brzee machine, or yantra.

For the average person in today’s world surrounded by virtually unlimited distractions, relying on a mantra alone to manifest can be difficult. The Siddhas (perfected masters of consciousness) recommend using yantra-technology. Knowing how to use a yantra can greatly accelerate your results with a mantra.  

Yantras are a mantra’s geometric diagram, the first visual manifestation of their form. This geometry is inscribed on an electrically conducive material, such as copper or various other types of metals, which acts as a platform for the sound. Once activated through sound, they convert the mantra into subtle electricity, or light, which can be assimilated into your subtle nervous system. How to do this is considered a top secret of the Siddha Masters.

You will learn techniques and spiritual technologies to use, energize, and electrically connect with a Shreem Brzee yantra to accelerate your resonance with the mantra faster than chanting and meditation alone. 

Step 4: Archetype

“The contents of the collective unconscious are Archetypes, primordial images that reflect basic patterns that are common to us all, and which have existed universally since the dawn of time.”

Carl Jung

After planting the mantra and accelerating its integration with the yantra, the final state is to experience the expressed potential. When a mantra expresses itself through human consciousness, it differentiates itself as an identity, or Archetype. Where the mantra is the seed, the identity or Archetype is the tree and all its qualities.

Activating the Archetype of the mantra can be experienced as unlocking latent potential within your DNA giving you access to new intelligence, power, and abilities. Externally, an Archetype can be experienced as a Divine Being such as a God, Goddess, or Angel.

Knowing how to connect and communicate with these highly-evolved beings is an esoteric science discovered by the ancient seers. Once a connection is established, they can intervene on your behalf and become like a guardian angel who watches over and empowers your life.

You will learn techniques and spiritual technologies to activate the Shreem Brzee Archetype, also known as Lakshmi, and create a relationship with her.

What's Included in Shreem Brzee | Immersion

Exclusive Teachings from Dr. Pillai

Join Dr. Pillai for exclusive teachings and initiations for empowerment to master the four steps to create wealth consciousness.

*Included in Silver, Gold & Platinum Packages

24 Weekly Sunday Teaching Calls

Connect with community members and your program teacher to experience a group practice of your current meditation, and to ask questions and receive mentoring from teachers.

*Included in Silver, Gold & Platinum Packages

24 Weekly Monday Miracle Calls

Participate in group manifesting with members. These live calls include sharing of miracle stories, setting intentions for the coming week, and community prayer.

*Included in Silver, Gold & Platinum Packages

24 Weekly Wednesday Chanting & Powertime Guidance

Experience the multiplication effect of collective group chanting, and receive mentoring from our trained astrologer on how to harness upcoming wealth powertimes for enhancing your program benefits.

*Included in Silver, Gold & Platinum Packages

24 Weekly Friday Fire Lab Webcasts

Multiply your Shreem Brzee blessings and manifesting power by tuning in to a live Shreem Brzee Fire Lab during weekly powertime. Fire Labs are considered the most powerful spiritual technology on the planet.

*Included in Silver, Gold & Platinum Packages

Weekly Shreem Brzee Powertime Alert Mailers

Each week you will receive email notifications for upcoming Shreem Brzee powertimes, along with guidance on how to harness them to help you maximize the wealth-potential from the week ahead.

*Included in Silver, Gold & Platinum Packages

Community Support

Receive 24-7 support from your community and program teachers and team. You will be part of a private facebook group where you can share your experiences, ask questions and be inpsired by fellow program members.

*Included in Silver, Gold & Platinum Packages

Private Membership Site Lifetime Access

You will have full access to a private membership area containing all program content, live-stream webcasts, and where you can connect with other members.

*Included in Silver, Gold & Platinum Packages

24 Weekly Manifesting Mastermind Group Calls

During these master mind calls you will be able to connect with a small, highly-focused group of people to help each other manifest their goals, and to receive intimate support from a teacher and fellow members.

*Included in Platinum Packages

1 Hour Astrology Reading

Astrology is a scientific method that analyzes how the celestial influences are impacting you, based on the time and location of your birth. It can identify specific obstacles preventing wealth consciousness, as well as shortcuts you can use to acquire it. You will receive one-on-one guidance from an astrologer including personalized remedial measures designed to meet your individual needs.

*Included in Platinum Packages

6 Monthly Personal Coaching Calls

Benefit from one-on-one guidance from an experienced Pillai Center coach to help you gain the most from the program. Our trained coaches can identify problems you are facing, and give you practical solutions to overcome them. Additionally, they can mentor you on how to gain maximum benefit from the teachings based on your individual lifestyle, and answer any personal questions you may have.

*Included in Platinum Packages

Also Included in Shreem Brzee | Immersion

Spiritual Technology

Spiritual technology discovered by ancient seers has been used for thousands of years to transform consciousness in accelerated ways. There are ways of performing these technologies so that a person can receive the benefits via proxy, even if they cannot be physically present. We call this proxy technology. 

Wherever you are in the world, your energetic signature is invoked by our specialists trained in this technology to be present and transmit the energy of the ceremonies directly to you. 

12 Bi-Monthly Karma-Clearing Ceremonies

Each month there are two celestial powertimes for clearing unwanted karma manifesting as negativity in your life. Trained specialists in India will perform an ancient ceremony on your behalf during these powertimes to help accelerate the creation of a new reality.

*Included in Gold & Platinum Packages

6 Monthly Full Moon Livestream Shreem Brzee Group Fire Labs

Fire Labs are considered to be the most advanced spiritual technology on the planet. These Fire Labs will be performed on your behalf by trained specialists during the wealth powertime of the Full Moon, to empower you with Shreem Brzee wealth consciousness.

*Included in Gold & Platinum Packages  

24 Weekly Shreem Brzee Hydration Ceremonies

Hydration is yogic alchemy to build and strengthen the life-force energy in an image or icon of a Divine Archetype. This energy can then be transmitted to you via subtle radiation (Darshan). These hydration ceremonies will be performed to the Shreem Brzee Archetype on Fridays, a Shreem Brzee powertime.

*Included in Gold & Platinum Packages

6 Monthly New Moon Soul-Genetic Cleanses

One of the primary causes for blocking wealth consciousness is Soul-Genetics. Just as you inherit biological genes from your parents, the ancient seers discovered you also inherit subtle genes, or soul genes, from your ancestral lineage. Soul-Genetic Cleanses will be performed on your behalf during the New Moon powertime to cleanse negative influences coming from your ancestors.

*Included in Gold & Platinum Packages  

Enjoy Member Discount Benefits

Enjoy special gift codes to help you save on programs, products, and services offered by Pillai Center.

Pillai Center Academy

You will receive a discount code to apply to Dr. Pillai’s online programs.

Pillai Center

You will receive a discount code to apply to energized items and spiritual technology services.

Financial Solutions

You will receive a discount to apply to one of the financial solutions packages.

Early Bird Bonuses

Register by May 11th for the following bonus.

6 Monthly 108 Lotus Flower Offering Fire Labs for Supreme Shreem Brzee Archetype

Sundara Maha Lakshmi is a powerful form of Lakshmi, the Shreem Brzee Archetype. This Fire Lab will be energized with 108 lotus flower offerings at a remote power vortex in India.

What Previous Students Have Said ...

Thousands of people around the globe have experienced success with the Shreem Brzee mantra. Everything from more joy, inner peace, better relationships and health to manifesting 20 million dollar dream homes. Over 70% of those surveyed from the prior Shreem Brzee six-month course experienced an increase in inner or outer abundance in their life. You’re not just joining a program, you are joining a community of manifestors around the world who are making a difference for themselves and others.

"Shreem Brzee has blessed me so well in the last few months. First in the 45-day challenge, my income doubled with a new job. With Wealth Rising I found close to $200 on the floor at the grocery store. Received a promotion at work for a $1.10 more per hour. A $1,600 check showed up about 3 weeks ago. Was handed $500 cash last weekend. Now I'm told I'm moving up again at work for another raise of $1.50 per hour. I'm so happy to have Shreem Brzee in my life. Thanks for the program!"

— Jessie 

"I can´t even explain what Dr. Pillai is doing for me! There is so much love and I am so thankful. My financial situation has improved more than 90% both for me and my wife."

— Adam L.

"I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Pillai, our teachers and to all of you. I have been feeling Babaji just infusing us with Shreem Brzee these past few days. It’s as if he is filling us up to overflowing before our time in this program finishes. This is my first experience with such a dedicated, selfless guru. I feel that I have greatly benefited from it all. Yes, I have busted so much karma! Yes, my wealth keeps increasing! But more importantly, my connection to the divine is overflowing. So much joy and gratitude I cannot possibly express it Thank you everyone. I can feel your love and support. It is priceless. Shreem Brzee!"

— Tina S. 

Step 1: Choose Your Program Package


  • 6-month live program with lifetime membership site access  
  • 24 Weekly Sunday Teaching Calls
  • 24 Weekly Monday Miracle Calls
  • 24 Weekly Wednesday Chanting & Powertime Guidance 
  • 24 Weekly Friday Fire Lab Webcasts
  • Private FB group
  • Pillai Center Academy $100 gift card
  • Pillai Center $23 gift card
  • Financial Solutions Packages 20% Off

Expires May 11h:

  • 6 Monthly 108 Lotus Flower Offering Fires Lab for Supreme Shreem Brzee Archetype

One-Time Payment of $350


  • 6-month live program with lifetime membership site access  
  • 24 Weekly Sunday Teaching Calls
  • 24 Weekly Monday Miracle Calls
  • 24 Weekly Wednesday Chanting & Powertime Guidance 
  • 24 Weekly Friday Fire Lab Webcasts
  • Private FB group
  • Pillai Center Academy $100 gift card
  • Financial Solutions Packages 20% Off
  • Pillai Center $60 gift card
  • 12 Bi-Monthly Karma-Clearing Ceremonies 
  • 6 Monthly Full Moon Shreem Brzee Livestream Fire Labs at India Fire Lab Center  
  • 24 Weekly Shreem Brzee Hydration Ceremonies
  • 6 Monthly New Moon Soul-Genetic Cleanses 

Expires May 11th: 

  • 6 Monthly 108 Lotus Flower Offering Fires Lab for Supreme Shreem Brzee Archetype

One-Time Payment of $700


  • 6-month live program with lifetime membership site access  
  • 24 Weekly Sunday Teaching Calls
  • 24 Weekly Monday Miracle Calls
  • 24 Weekly Wednesday Chanting & Powertime Guidance 
  • 24 Weekly Friday Fire Lab Webcasts
  • Private FB group
  • Pillai Center Academy $100 gift card
  • Pillai Center $60 gift card 
  • Financial Solutions Packages 20% Off
  • 12 Bi-Monthly Karma-Clearing Ceremonies 
  • 6 Monthly Full Moon Shreem Brzee Livestream Fire Labs at India Fire Lab Center  
  • 24 Weekly Shreem Brzee Hydration Ceremonies
  • 6 Monthly New Moon Soul-Genetic Cleanses
  • 6 Monthly Personal Coaching Calls
  • 24 Weekly Manifesting Mastermind Sessions
  • 1-Hour Astrology Reading
  • Private Facebook Group  

Expires May 11th:

  • 6 Monthly 108 Lotus Flower Offering Fires Lab for Supreme Shreem Brzee Archetype

One-Time Payment of $1,500

DIAMOND: Work directly with Dr. Pillai. Click here to learn more.

Step 2: Add a Financial Booster Package to Your Program

Choose from three unique financial booster remedy packages. Depending on which money mindset you are trying to break through, different kinds of proxy spiritual technology will be performed on your behalf to support your transformation. Proxy technology invokes your energetic signature to be present for the empowerment ceremonies, and works to transform your money karma at the most fundamental level.

Note: The Spiritual Technology Packages are add-ons and do not include program access.

Essential Financial Booster Package

  • Live Astrology Consultation, once in a year
  • Sound & Flower Offering for prosperity at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Sound & Flower Offering for luck and fortune at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Unique Success Ceremony for success in all endeavors to Obstacle-Removing Archetype at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Food-Feeding & Honoring for health & wealth to 3 Vedic Brahmins on 12th Moon, once a month for 12 months
  • Unique Wish Fulfilling Ceremony to Wish Fulfilling Archetype and Cow Feeding on New Moon Day, once a month for 12 months 
  • Light & Sound Ceremony of 108 names for Shreem Brzee Archetype on all Fridays for 12 months
  • Light & Sound Ceremony for all around prosperity to Supreme Archetype at Powerspot for 11 Mondays
  • Special Light Offering for Shreem Brzee Archetype and Obstacle-Removing Ceremony for Good Luck & Fortune, once a month for 12 months
  • Shreem Brzee Fire Lab with Group Shreem Brzee Chanting, once a month for 6 months
  • Complimentary Product: Energized Jade Mala

Use the Following Code at Check Out for 20% Off


12-Installment Payment of $59 $47

One-Time Payment of $706 $565

Enhanced Financial Booster Package

  • Live Astrology Consultation, twice a year
  • Sound & Flower Offering for prosperity at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Sound & Flower Offering for luck and fortune at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Unique Success Ceremony for victory in all endeavors to Obstacle-Removing Archetype at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Food-Feeding & Honoring for health & wealth to 3 Vedic Brahmins on 12th Moon, once a month for 12 months
  • Unique Wish Fulfilling Ceremony to Wish Fulfilling Archetype and Cow Feeding on New Moon Day, once a month for 12 months 
  • Light & Sound Ceremony of 108 names for the Shreem Brzee Archetype on all Fridays for 12 months
  • Light & Sound Ceremony for all around prosperity to Supreme Archetype at Powerspot for 11 Mondays
  • Special Light Offering for Shreem Brzee Archetype and Obstacle-Removing Ceremony for Good Luck & Fortune, once a month for 12 months
  • Shreem Brzee Fire Lab with Group Shreem Brzee Chanting, once a month for 6 months
  • Light & Sound Ceremony for changing destiny to the 9-Planetary Archetypes at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Sound & Flower Offering for partnership and relationship success, once a month for 12 months
  • Light & Sound Ceremony for all around prosperity to Supreme Goddess Archetype on all Fridays for 12 months
  • Light & Sound Ceremony for prosperity, recovery of wealth & business success to Kartavirya Arjuna Sacred Yantra with Tulsi and Basil Leaves on all Saturdays for 12 months
  • Sacred Offering for financial gains, material comforts & good fortune to 200% Life Archetype at Kerala Powerspot
  • Group Fire Lab for Prosperity & Wealth, once a month for 6 months
  • Group Fire Lab for changing destiny to the 9-Planets, once a month for 6 months
  • Group Fire Lab for creating new wealth karma to Shreem Brzee & Banker of Heaven Archetypes, once a month for 12 months
  • Complimentary Product: Energized Shreem Brzee Archetype statue

Use the Following Code at Check Out for 20% Off


12-Installment Payment of $200 $160

One-Time Payment of $2,400 $1,920

Elite Financial Booster Package

  • 2 Royal Astrology Sessions, twice in a year
  • Sound & Flower Offering for prosperity at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Sound & Flower Offering for luck and fortune at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Unique Success Ceremony for success in all endeavors to Obstacle-Removing Archetype at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Food-Feeding & Honoring for health and wealth to 3 Vedic Brahmins on 12th Moon, once a month for 12 months
  • Unique Wish Fulfilling Ceremony to Wish Fulfilling Archetype and Cow Feeding on New Moon Day, once a month for 12 months
  • Light & Sound Ceremony of 108 names for Shreem Brzee Archetype on all Fridays for 12 months
  • Light & Sound Ceremony for all around prosperity to Supreme Archetype at Powerspot for 11 Mondays
  • Special Light Offering for Shreem Brzee Archetype, & Obstacle-Removing Ceremonies for good luck & fortune, and wealth Gains, once a month for 12 months
  • Shreem Brzee Fire Lab with Group Shreem Brzee Chanting, once a month for 6 months
  • Light & Sound Ceremony for changing destiny to the 9-Planetary Archetypes at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Sound & Flower Offering for partnership and relationship success, once a month for 12 months
  • Light & Sound Ceremony for all around prosperity to Supreme Goddess Archetype on all Fridays for 12 months
  • Light & Sound Ceremony for prosperity, recovery of wealth & business success to Kartavirya Arjuna Yantra with Tulsi and Basil Leaves on all Saturdays for 12 months
  • Sacred Offering for financial gains, material comforts & good fortune to 20% Life Archetype at Kerala Powerspot
  • Group Fire Lab for Prosperity & Wealth once a month for 6 months 
  • Powerful Group Fire Lab for changing destiny to the 9-Planetary Archetypes, once a month for 6 month
  • Group Fire Lab for creating new wealth karma to Shreem Brzee and Banker of Heaven Archetypes, once a month for 12 months
  • 3 Types of offering to God in ceremonial vessel for relief from poverty, prosperity, fame, and good food at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Rare Royalty- Consciousness Ceremonies, twice in a year
  • Group Fire Lab for creating new wealth karma, acquisition of desired property, inheritance, and resolution to litigation to Bhu Varaha, twice in a year
  • Sacred Coin Offering for prosperity & abundance, once a month for 12 months
  • Individual Fire Lab for prosperity boons & spiritual awakening to Extreme Wealth-Bestower Archetype, once in a year
  • Group Fire Lab for wealth boons and spiritual awakening to Extreme Wealth-Bestower Archetype, once in a year
  • Special Light Offering and Obstacle-Removing Ceremonies for good luck & fortune, wealth gains, and all around prosperity, once a month for 12 months
  • Group Fire Lab for money & riches to Gold-Giving Archetype, once a month for 12 months
  • Complimentary Product: Energized Extreme Wealth-Bestower Archetype statue

Use the Following Code at Check Out for 20% Off


12-Installment Payment of $538 $430

One-Time Payment of $6,462 $5,170

“I’m glad to do Shreem Brzee as an organized program. I will not relent from this and go into silence again, but will keep pushing and pushing and pushing until everyone manifests. I’m going to do my job; you have to do your job. Commitment is everything.”

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