Personal Intelligence Training

Achieve Extra-Ordinary Success 

By Tapping into Your Brain’s Hidden Power


“Success in life is related to having more intelligence. There are two types of intelligence (Academic and Natural Intelligence). One may ask how there are people who have minimum education but are successful. These people who succeed without any formal education have what is called ‘natural intelligence.’ We know that many people have become billionaires who do not even have a college degree. These are examples of natural intelligence.”

Dr. Pillai

Learn to Use a Unique Technology of the Brain
Only Available in PI Intelligence Training

Phonemic Intelligence uses scientifically designed, non-invasive, brain-based techniques that combine the use of sound, hand placements around the head/eyes, affirmations and concentration exercises. Each technique targets the activation of a specific area of the brain for a specific type of intelligence.

Activate the Seat of Your Intelligence
Experience Life Long Benefits

“Phonemes, which are the smallest sounds that carry a distinct meaning, are fundamentally the producers of intelligence. There are intimate connections at various levels between sounds and meaning, neurons, and synaptic formations. The sounds go and immediately create activation signatures in the brain.

It is an amazing discovery that each aspect of intelligence, such as music intelligence, math intelligence, sports intelligence – all occupy distinct places in different parts of the brain anatomy.”

Develop Essential Life-Skills
With the
Support of a LIVE Coach

Receive step-by-step LIVE intelligence training from a PI Coach to effectively use powerful PI techniques, learn productive goal-setting skills, and stay committed to success principles that can be used for life. 

Go Beyond Being “Smart”

Activate your natural intelligence to achieve excellence not only in learning but in all areas of a well-balanced, fulfilling life. Many intelligent people do not succeed because they lack practical thinking and behavior. 

Develop Super Focus

Learn to create laser-like focus on what you want to accomplish and move past distractions and hurdles that can put you off course. High achievers demonstrate sustained focus on what is important and can easily discern from unproductive tasks and activities.

Stay Motivated

Apply strategies to stay motivated and develop resilience until you fully realize your goals. Motivation happens in a 3-step process in the brain. Every time you set new goals, you begin this 3-step process. Research shows that individuals with intrinsic motivation outperform those responding only to extrinsic motivation. 

Make Emotions Work in Your Favor

Create calm, control negative emotions, and unlock greater emotional intelligence to help overcome fears and anxieties. Negative emotional states, such as fear, impair the brain’s ability to think rationally and respond appropriately. Conversely, research shows that positive emotions help improve learning and decision-making.

Strengthen Intuition & Inspire Creative Thinking

Access your higher intuition to guide confident decision-making and inspire the unique, creative genius that can only come from you. Throughout the ages, the most successful innovators, thinkers, and geniuses have relied on their intuition to develop breakthrough ideas, discoveries, and inventions. Your unique genius lies in learning to activate and act on your intuition.

Cultivate a Positive Growth Mindset

Become aware of your thoughts and make use of the brain’s neuroplasticity to improve your mindset. On average, we think 35 to 40 thoughts per minute, most of which are unfocused or negative. Cultivating a positive, growth-oriented mindset can help you to improve your skills and abilities.

What You Will Receive

PI Techniques & Training

A trained Phonemic Intelligence Coach will provide live training during your weekly session to help you effectively learn to use two PI Techniques for global brain activation and improved mind attention during the first 4-weeks of Intelligence Training. Your coach will help you customize your development plan each month with additional techniques as needed to target new areas of success.

Once Weekly LIVE Training Sessions

Your PI Coach will meet with you once a week at a pre-scheduled day and time via Zoom or Skype for a 50-minute training session. Upon request, training sessions can be recorded and sent to you immediately following your session. Meeting with your coach provides a greater understanding of learning concepts, inspires commitment to your PI practice, and helps improve the pace of your progress.

Journey into Your Unique Brain

Access micro-lessons about the principles of neuroscience and get to know key areas of your brain associated with cognitive skills such as working memory, logic, reasoning, and problem-solving. Learn why and how your brain is unique to you and how your PI practice can maximize your results now and in the future.

Intelligent Goal Setting Exercises

Your personal coach will guide you through the 5-steps of effective goal setting to create life-long habits that you can apply to achieve any goal. Statistics show that people that know how to effectively set, write down, and track goals are among the smaller percentage of the population that successfully achieve results.

Accountability Tracking & Assessment

A personal coach provides the support that you need to help you stay accountable for your personal progress. Learn how to self-assess to identify your strengths and opportunities for growth. Track both successes and problem areas and adapt your plan of action as you journey towards your goals.

Lifetime Access to Video & Audio Practice Library

Easy-to-follow videos and audios help support a flexible, daily PI practice that can be done anywhere on your own schedule. For your convenience, you can access your program materials from the PI Academy online portal 24/7.

Choose Your Membership Option

PI Intelligence Training is appropriate for all age groups and meets every trainee where they are at to support greater levels of achievement and personal success. 

Personal Intelligence Training for Teens

The teen brain is still developing (until the age of 25) in key areas. Your child will work with a PI coach to apply PI techniques and Intelligence strategies to help develop focus, motivation, learning, balanced emotions, and create a positive mindset during this peak of development.

Introductory Teen Training (Weeks 1-4): The first 4-weeks of Intelligence Training introduce your child to 2 Phonemic Intelligence techniques and basic neuroscience, biological concepts, and visualization practices to encourage a thorough understanding of the areas of the brain that they will be working with. We will introduce the first steps of goal setting and strategies to deal with anxiety.

Personalized Teen Training (Weeks 5-8): Move into deeper learning of the topics introduced in weeks 1-4 and learn how to apply this understanding to 1 interest track chosen by the student. As Intelligence Training continues each month, your child’s PI coach will continue to work on areas of interest to personalize curriculum and results.

Interest Tracks:

  • Exam Fear
  • Stress & Overwhelm
  • Memory Brain
  • Math Brain
  • Reward and Motivation Brain
  • Language Brain: Communication, Reading, Writing
  • Positive Growth Mindset: Confidence, Self-Esteem, Self-Respect
  • Decision-Making Brain: Make Good Decisions
  • Genius Brain

This program is currently full. If you would like to receive a reminder when enrollment reopens, click below.

Personal Intelligence Training for Adults

Success or progress is dependent upon one’s own intelligence.

There are two kinds of intelligence: 

(1) Natural intelligence, which is innate or given to you by nature. This type of intelligence is not cultivated through education. Intuition or natural intelligence already exists within you. 


(2) Cultivated intelligence is most often acquired by formal education. This includes academic training or training geared toward specific skills, like behavior and etiquette.

You would need to rely on both forms of intelligence to achieve higher levels of success. Innate intelligence is already present within you, but you have to bring it up to the level of conscious awareness. We are missing opportunities because we are predominantly relying only on cultivated, rational limited intelligence.

Introductory Adult PI Training (Weeks 1-4): In the first four weeks of training with your coach, you will learn to activate specific areas of the brain that give you access to this natural power within you so that you can mold and shape your life every day according to your aspirations. 

Personalized Adult PI Training (Weeks 5-8): You will work with your coach on learning to combine your natural intelligence with your existing practical knowledge and skill set. In this next step of the training, you will be able to select up to two tracks of interest. Your coach will guide you through the steps to set and achieve goals in your chosen interest area using PI techniques and key principles for success given by Dr. Pillai.

Interest Tracks:

  • Business Success
  • Public Success
  • Job Success
  • Innovation
  • Personal Transformation

This program is currently full. If you would like to receive a reminder when enrollment reopens, click below.

For booster sessions or dual enrollment for families, please contact