Personalized Spiritual Coaching

Build Your Personal Pathway

Spiritual Solutions Tailored to Meet Your Individual Needs in the Moment


“There is a saying that ‘Poverty and wealth are not given to you by others.’ This is a Siddha saying. Then by who are these things given to you? By yourself.” — Dr. Pillai

We invite you to join one of our individual spiritual coaching services as part of our personalized experiences to receive customized spiritual solutions through one-on-one training. During your sessions, your coach will prescribe an individualized plan unique to your personal path of evolution based on your needs at the time.

Personal Manifestation Coaching

with Sunny

This spiritual coaching experience guides you to access your own power to create an extraordinary life through God-Given technologies. Throughout your coaching journey, you will receive three primary tools designed to change your destiny:

Evolving the Brain: Discover the neurology of wealth and relationship and how sounds can change your brain.

Power of Devotion: Through devotion and love, you can put an end to your karma. You will be guided to identify and work with personal archetypes who come and help you.

Personalized Rituals: You will be prescribed a personalized set of high-tech rituals to do at home at the right time for maximum results.

You will apply the three tools of changing your destiny to the following key areas:

  • Mind and Identity Expansion
  • Resetting Your Karma
  • Activating Spiritual Intelligence
  • Attracting Career Success
  • Attracting Love and Relationships

You will also receive additional tools and rituals that help complement and enhance your evolution, including fire labs, nadi remedies, and astrology readings/reports.



Sunny has been trained by Dr. Pillai since 2010 to teach meditation. He has undergone extensive training and development under Dr. Pillai’s guidance to assist people in their transformation on a deeper level. He is able to offer this service with the blessings of Dr. Pillai. Since 2015, Sunny has actively coached and advised individuals from diverse backgrounds, including serious spiritual seekers, business owners, entrepreneurs, senior corporate executives, CEOs, industrialists, and individuals from social and political professions.

Personalized Breakthrough Coaching (Plus Fire Lab)

with Beth (Gita)

This one-on-one coaching and personalized fire lab package is designed to help make breakthroughs in stuck areas that keep you from succeeding.

This personalized spiritual coaching experience is conducted by Beth DesMarais, who has been blessed by Dr. Pillai to perform powerful fire lab ceremonies. The coaching is designed to help you receive clarity for your goals and determine the right actionable pathway for you to achieve these goals using divine solutions.

Fire labs are performed at times mutually selected by you and your fire lab host, which may include special celestial powertimes when specific archetypes are available in abundance to help meet your personal goals.

The 3 phases of the Breakthrough Coach and Fire Package include:

  • Removing unfavorable influences blocking your success
  • Bringing the power of creation and protection
  • Build the thought forms and energies of courage, valor, victory and leadership

Beth (Gita)

Beth has launched and run programs for Dr. Pillai’s organizations for the past 20 years. She has been involved in concept and course creation, teaching, product development and coaching.

Over the past 2 years, Beth has taught and coached over 300 people in educational programs involving Phonemic Intelligence, sound meditations, and Dr. Pillai’s interactive fire labs for abundance and thought manifestation. Recently, Beth completed a certificate course from Wharton Business School in Entrepreneurship Acceleration. 

Prior to joining Dr. Pillai’s organization, Beth ran her own company and consulted with Wall Street investment companies on trading and security technology.  She also led an international team for Ernst and Young that developed innovative software products and was featured in Forbes Magazine.

Spiritual Guidance Coaching

with Sucharita

This coaching experience helps you create a customized practice using spiritual and practical guidance aligned with your personal goals. You will express your most pressing issues or areas of concern and Sucharita will identify your ideal direction and help navigate your individual pathway. She will suggest spiritual solutions, offered through Pillai Center services, that fulfill your budget. In addition to coaching sessions, check-ins with your coach are also available.


Sucharita has been studying with Dr. Pillai for 27+ years and is empowered to share his teachings as a Master Teacher. She facilitates online courses and provides spiritual guidance for individuals or groups as an Educational Programs Manager through Pillai Center, AstroVed Advisory Services, and Tripura Foundation.

Personal Coaching to Manifest Your Life's Purpose

with Meena

In Meena’s “Manifest Your Life Purpose” coaching program, she takes you through a journey to enable clarity and determination to reach the destination you map out for yourself.

At the beginning of your personal program, you will meet with Meena and receive a Soul Genomics Reading to identify and clarify your life’s purpose and set goals authentic to your purpose to gain a clear focus of your path forward. 

Throughout your coaching experience, Meena will incorporate resources from Dr. Pillai’s teachings, divination, Vedic Astrology, Human Design, and a highly-tuned intuition to motivate you, give you confidence and insights to reach your goals, and remove old patterns and unproductive mindsets. 

She will help you identify what drives you and motivates you on a deep level at the outset to guide you toward deep-rooted transformation.

Coaching Sessions are designed to help you:

  • Build emotional resilience and promote a sense of calm inner strength and happiness for optimal growth and success.
  • Identify and recognize limiting ideas and beliefs that undermine you 
  • Learn new attitudes and behaviors to be more effective in your life
  • Unlock your hidden powers and own those powers
  • Identify and map out real solutions for karmic, planetary, and spiritual obstacles you currently face
  • Build loving and lasting relationships
  • Manifesting techniques to achieve your true desires


Meena met Dr. Pillai in April 2000. Her first encounter was at a public seminar and it turned out to be a completely life-changing experience. During the seminar she saw his Light Body, and from that moment on, Meena completely changed her priorities and sought to learn and absorb everything possible from Dr. Pillai.

At that time, she was Vice President of a Fortune 500 Investment Bank and was well-known on Wall Street for her success in turning her division around, making it more productive and profitable. 

In 2004, she was offered a high-ranking position in overseeing and managing AstroVed’s Advisory Services. Meena has worked in this capacity in India, Singapore, and the United States.

Dr. Pillai has given direct personal guidance to Meena for many years. She has traveled extensively to holy lands, powerful temple vortices and met numerous saints and siddhas. She has skillfully integrated her multi-faceted business skills and experiences with her extensive spiritual experience to bring forth practical wisdom and knowledge which can richly serve those who are ready for personal growth and transformation.