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For An Opportunity to Change Your Destiny & Enhance Your Mystery School Experience

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Changing your karma is key to changing your destiny, and Nadi Astrology is considered to be among the premier solutions.

Dr. Pillai himself receives Nadi readings frequently, and recommends students receive one at least once a year because of how often karma can change.


Nadi Astrology is an esoteric branch of the science of time, which has two main components - a reading and remedies. Both are extremely unique and individualized to you based on your karma at the very moment of your reading, making for an increased likelihood to benefit from a profound destiny-changing experience.

The reading is performed by a man who has acquired the gift to read Nadi leaves from his lineage, often going back many generations. He reads prophecy on behalf of a Divine being, such as a God or Siddha, about your current and future circumstances, and most importantly, remedies that will correct problems.

Chapter 1 | General Kandam

Chapter 1- General Kandam – helps to identify your personal details like your name, your parent’s name, and your spouse’s name. The chapter also gives general predictions for the rest of your life.

Chapter 13 | "Shanti" Kandam

This is perhaps the most powerful of all the Nadi chapters because of the solutions it prescribes for the root causes of problems you are currently experiencing. These prescribed solutions go right to the core of the problems. Most often the remedies are prescribed to be performed at specific vortices in India, but can also include others. They are targeted to re-tune your energetic karma with the energy of the vortex to purge problematic karma from your destiny.

Chapter 14 | "Diksha" Kandam

This chapter identifies the current negative influences due to unfavourable planetary positions and evil eye casting from jealous people. These are 2 of the prime reasons for the crisis and obstacles in your life. A prescription for a copper talisman is given that will negate the effects and provide protection. It will be energized for a number of days using a mantra specific to you.

Go Deep To Change Your Destiny

These remedies are believed to help not just you, but your entire lineage, both deceased and living. As Dr. Pillai teaches, ancestral karma is the most impactful. The remedies will be performed on your behalf using proxy technology to bring the benefits to you as if you were physically present. This package is an excellent complement to your Mystery School experience because it is targeted to enhance the initiations and empowerment you will be receiving in the program and provide you with highly individualized support to change your unique destiny.