Discover How To Become A Manifesting Master

Get access to the tools and techniques you need to master thought manifestation used by the Yogis and Siddhas themselves to turn their uni-dimensional thoughts into 3D reality.

Discover How To Become A Manifesting Master

Get access to the tools and techniques you need to master thought manifestation used by the Yogis and Siddhas themselves to turn their uni-dimensional thoughts into 3D reality.

Dear Student,


Without miracles, life would be cumbersome, purposeless and without God. Science and technology have killed the miracle consciousness that God has given to all of us.


Let's talk about something very important, the mind.


It's a blessing and at the same time it’s a curse. It’s a blessing because it can help us organize things but it’s also a curse because it doesn’t allow miracles to happen.


However, if you'd like to amplify your ability to manifest miracles, reclaim the power of your brain and alter your physical reality then read this entire letter.

You Were Unconsciously Influenced

When you were a young child, what did you dream of doing?


Did you maybe dream of somehow changing the world positively or starting your own business to not only help yourself and your family, but also help all of humanity?


And then what happened?


As you started to grow up and absorb the conditioning of the world, you started to hear things like "stop daydreaming" or "get back to reality" or "be realistic" by your teachers, parents and maybe even your friends.


All of this information formed un-conscious thought patterns in your mind that have literally got you to where you are in life right now.


And if you're like most people, you're craving deep within yourself for a change in your life (financial, spiritual, health and relationships).


But why is it that some people are just ‘lucky’ and experience effortless abundance – while you might still be wrestling with financial hardship, health issues, untapped potential, and plateaus in your career and personal life?

Reclaim The Power Of Your Brain

Negative thinking is something EVERYONE struggles with. In fact, new research shows that of the sixty thousand thoughts the average person has each day, around eighty-percent of them are negative.


According to the Yogis and Siddhas, negative thoughts block your natural manifestation abilities, and indicate disharmony in the subtle sounds within the brain.


All that you need to do is block the mind from its orientation to logic and allow a different part of the brain, the midbrain to come into action which will allow miracles. These subtle sounds need to be brought back into harmony to reclaim the power of your brain, and take control of the manifestation process.

Activate The Latent Power Already Within You​​

"I’ve been able to create miracles in the lives of people who trust in me, and it is very simple, and this is the case with everyone." - Dr. Pillai


The “Manifesting Miracles” program is like having a very wise Siddha Master teaching you the ancient art of conscious creation. 


Instead of working hard with your hands, you'll learn how to work with your mind.


In Manifesting Miracles, Dr. Pillai reveals powerful sounds for thought manifestation given to the world by the Tamil Siddha Thirumoolar. In addition to manifestation, regular use of these sounds are said to purify the mind of all negativity.


Dr. Pillai combines sounds with specific meditations and affirmations, creating a powerful manifestation course that people have reported to empower their ability to consciously re-create every aspect of life.


Starting now, you may find yourself behaving like a force of nature.

Introducing the Manifesting Miracles Online Program

Experience ancient manifesting techniques with a modern-day Guru at your finger tips...

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What You Receive in the Program

24/7 Online Access

6 Lessons

Audio Lectures

1 Manifestation Mantra

Intention Setting Worksheet

1 Affirmation Audio Track

"Dr. Pillai is One of the Most Divine &

Enlightened Beings on Earth...

I have stories of manifesting job promotions, having a baby, which was supposed to be an impossibility, selling a home that had been on the market for a year without potential buyers, and other stories of prosperity and healing that border on miracles.”

- Dr. Wayne Dyer

New York Times Best Selling Author

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"I Am Amazed at How Powerful This Technology Is...

"Working with Dr. Pillai my life has transformed in one year more than I could have ever imagined. Everything in my life from my businesses, my relationships and my spirituality have evolved and are continuing to evolve at light speed."

- Saj. P

Internet Entrepreneur, UK

Meet Dr. Pillai

Dr. Baskaran Pillai is an academic scholar, phenomenologist of religion, and a representative of the South Indian Siddha tradition. Referred to by bestselling author Dr. Wayne Dyer as “one of the most enlightened people on the planet,” and Time Magazine as the “YouTube Guru,” he’s one of the most progressive and innovative source of human development technology in the world today.

An invited speaker in over 40 countries, he’s been a featured guest at global forums such as the United Nations Conference of World Religions and the World Knowledge Forum. His educational-technology has been researched by Harvard University, Brain Science International, and other institutions. Unique, revolutionary, and very practical, Dr. Pillai has been quietly transforming the lives of millions of people for over 4 decades.

Meet Dr. Pillai

Dr. Baskaran Pillai is an academic scholar, phenomenologist of religion, and a representative of the South Indian Siddha tradition. Referred to by bestselling author Dr. Wayne Dyer as “one of the most enlightened people on the planet,” and Time Magazine as the “YouTube Guru,” he’s one of the most progressive and innovative source of human development technology in the world today.

An invited speaker in over 40 countries, he’s been a featured guest at global forums such as the United Nations Conference of World Religions and the World Knowledge Forum. His educational-technology has been researched by Harvard University, Brain Science International, and other institutions. Unique, revolutionary, and very practical, Dr. Pillai has been quietly transforming the lives of millions of people for over 4 decades.

Everyone is Eligible for Miracles

I know that anyone who is in the practice of meditation, at some point feels frustrated because no matter what one does, things are not happening. So, what are you going to do when you are facing a situation like that? Here we are considering Siddhi Powers.

Siddhi Powers are the ability to do miracles. Everyone is eligible for them and it is a matter of training one’s mind and bringing it to that level of awareness in which thought manifestation whether it is healing, or making money, or finding a relationship can happen as soon as you think of them.


"What I found for myself was self-mastery. Dr. Pillai taught me to not be a victim to the circumstances around me. He taught me to have a self-mastery in all aspects of my life. I found a much deeper, more profound connection into who I am, my latent abilities, and who I can be.”

- Saj. P

Internet Entrepreneur, UK

"I Think and it Happens"

"I became very prescient! Dr. Pillai is absolutely right, you do become more masterful and more powerful in controlling the material side of things...I think about something and it happens."

- Josephine Magnani

Business Professional, UK

"Knowledge You Can't Find Anyplace"

“The information one gets from Dr. Pillai is not something you can learn anywhere, it’s not written in textbooks, you can’t go and study it. He’s imparting this knowledge to you that you can’t find anyplace.”

- Dr. Lionel Bissoon, M.D.

Chairman, Bissoon Institute of Mesotherapy, New York USA