Accelerate Prosperity, Healing, and Life Success

Individual Fire Lab Coaching for Divine Intervention

November 11, 2023 to November 29, 2023


Why Fire Is Key to Accelerating Manifestation

According to the ancient Siddha and Yogic traditions, creation or manifestation is facilitated through the five elements: space/akash, air, fire, water, and earth. Space/akash and air represent the formless, while water and earth represent form. Fire is the medium through which the formless is said to acquire form. 

Elemental Fire Technology Materializes Desires

“The object of the Fire Ritual is to bring the power of the sound to three-dimensional form.”

Dr. Pillai

The ancient seers co-developed with divine beings what is considered the most powerful spiritual technique on the planet, the Fire Ritual. The Fire Lab, as Dr. Pillai refers to it, is an elemental technology designed to quickly materialize formless thoughts, prayers, and mantras into tangible circumstances, experiences, and objects.

Pair with Inner Fire Practices for Maximum Power

Fire Labs are supremely powerful manifesting mediums, but they need something to manifest. Therefore, the clearer and stronger the thoughts or prayers you want to manifest, the more powerful the Fire Lab effects are said to be.

Kindling, stoking, and maintaining the inner fire around what you want to create is considered vital to accelerating your manifestations.

Introducing Manifest with Fire

Manifest with Fire is a program commissioned by Dr. Pillai to make powerful fire technology available to you and is designed to manifest results in multiple areas of life, such as:

  • Nourishment, self-care, and comforts
  • Dissolution of problems
  • Destruction of issues with enemies
  • Accomplishment of the impossible
  • Planetary blessings

How It Works

The program is designed to facilitate fast manifestation for practitioners from beginner to advanced level and includes the following components, depending on your level of participation.

Preparation - Establishing a conducive state just prior to the Fire Lab is considered key to maximizing its powerful effects. A Fire Lab specialist will guide you through practices to prepare your body, mind, and environment.

Participation - Managing your focus and engagement with the Fire Labs while they are being performed is said to further amplify their power. You will receive mantras in advance and learn how to participate from home.

Timing - Performing Fire Labs at the right time is considered vital to creating the desired effects. Each Fire Lab in the program will be performed during selected cosmic alignments related to desired results.

Archetypes - Various aspects of superconsciousness, personified as Archetypes or Gods and Goddesses, will be invoked to support the manifestation of thoughts and prayers you wish to expedite.

Prayers - Your name and birth star will be printed and placed into the fire during each Fire Lab. Dr. Pillai has highlighted that this is a powerful technique to have your prayers sent to Divine Beings. 

Meet Your Fire Lab Host

Priestess Swamini Valli

Swamini Valli has studied with Dr. Pillai for over 20 years. She has received a blessing from Dr. Pillai to be a primary priestess for the Pillai Center Fire Lab programs. She is deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve in this way. She knows Dr. Pillai’s blessings and energy will flow through the Fire Labs to the sponsors, along with blessings from all the various archetypes invoked in the Fire Labs. She has performed Fire Labs in North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa and continues to be delighted by this spiritual technology that Dr. Pillai shares with the world.

“Swamini is a talented pujari. The way she takes the time to explain and go through the process always makes me feel safe and cared for. I always feel I have gained more knowledge. Her fires are always outstanding."


“I want to share how much I enjoyed and appreciated the Sharaba Fire Lab with Valli this afternoon. This ceremony refreshed and deepened my connection with Babaji in such a sweet and tender way, and also refreshed and restored my vitality.”


“The Fire Labs have been a wonderful way to connect with the divine. Swamini Valli does an incredible job. I had an individual Fire Lab for Shreem Brzee, and I feel it’s strengthened my financial and abundance consciousness. It was a beautiful experience of connecting with the Goddess Shreem Brzee. The group Fire Labs were amazing as well. I feel more positive, more connected, and more open to positive experiences. My life is going positively, my health is improving, my finances are improving, and I am happy. Thank you.”

“It really is an amazing program, and I feel the Fire Labs are very powerful. I appreciate the explanations you give and the little stories and insights you share.”


“Valli led an amazing individual fire lab for me, honoring my request for inviting Muruga.
She included all my reasons for choosing him, my prayers and desired results, and of course, a beautiful fire, along with chanting and accompanied rituals.

I truly felt the Being's presence, and afterwards there was an opportunity to share my experience and questions. Valli was kind and thorough, full of wisdom, and heart energy.
I highly recommend that this lovely ritual be made available ongoingly and for others as well.”


“Thanks for the Third Eye meditation prior to the Fire Lab. That was very helpful.”


“In praying to Ganesha from the last Fire Lab, and chanting Varahi's mantra last night, I managed today to manifest a financial boon from my profit sharing plan with my employer. I will be using this to pay down my debts. Thank you, Maha Varahi and Lord Ganesha. I will put these funds to good use! I am wishing all participants/ devotees many financial miracles!”


"Additionally, Valli said the Lord’s Prayer and shared Baba’s understanding of this prayer. This among other things in the ceremony was particularly touching, as some time back I have made it a practice to say the Lord’s Prayer every morning. The ceremony was so accessible to those of us raised in our Western culture, and a bit like comfort food. I love the Vedic pundit-jis, yet having a fellow American conduct the ceremony in such a heartfelt, sincere, down to earth manner, simple and clear, yet authentic and powerful, with some prayers said in English, really hit the spot."


Program Components

Fire Lab Coaching

Monthly Group Coaching Session with Swamini Valli

Saturday November 11, 2023 at 7:30 pm PST

At the start of each month, Swamini Valli will host a preparatory group Fire Lab coaching session to help you come fully prepared to expedite your manifestations.

You will learn:

  • How to put power in your prayers so that they reach the divine.
  • How to activate the communication highway on which the Gods and Goddesses travel.
  • Find your heartfelt love for an archetype that you cannot see or hear.
  • How to prepare yourself 30 minutes before each Fire Lab to help you get what you need from the experience.
  • How to know what you want and be clear and precise when asking for it.

*Included in Fundamentals and Personalized

(Optional) Individual Fire Lab Coaching

You can further personalize your Fire Lab experience through one-on-one fire rituals with a trained Fire Lab specialist. Dr. Pillai commissioned Fire Lab coaching to help create the most powerful Fire Lab experience possible. Receive personal guidance to gain clarity on your goals and problem areas, become receptive to Divine communion through prescribed mantra meditations and merge with the Divine Beings as they are called into the fire on your behalf.

*Included in Individual

Targeted Fire Labs

Note: Dates and powertimes use North American timings during which Fire Labs will be performed. Please note the USA is now on Standard time.

Celebrate Festival of Lights with 8 Forms of Lakshmi, Giver of Wealth

When: Sunday November 12, 2023 at 7:30 pm PST

Archetype: Goddess Lakshmi

Powertimes: New Moon & Diwali. Diwali festival of lights is celebrated in Tamil Nadu (state in southern India) during the New Moon in mid-October to mid-November. Many people light several ghee lamps both inside and outside the house to celebrate the Goddess.

For Diwali, many people celebrate Lakshmi as the Goddess of Wealth who gives eight special types of wealth blessings in her various forms. This Fire Lab will invoke these aspects of Lakshmi:

  • Adi Lakshmi gives wealth of endless fortune and prosperity.
  • Dhana Lakshmi showers wealth of money and riches.
  • Dhanya Lakhmi provides wealth of good food and a healthy life.
  • Gaja Lakshmi dispenses wealth of power, position, and vehicles.
  • Santana Lakshmi delivers wealth of progeny and fertile creativity.
  • Veera Lakshmi imparts wealth of valor, patience, and objectivity.
  • Vijaya Lakshmi bestows wealth of victory and focus on goals.
  • Vidya Lakshmi extends wealth of education, knowledge, and talents.

On Diwali, many people recite or listen to the Sri Suktam, an ancient Vedic hymn of praise for Lakshmi. The sounds of Sri Suktam are said to alleviate lack of money and remove debts and bad luck. Lakshmi responds to this hymn and enhances prosperity and pleasure, and brings goodness in the form of health, wealth, and gracious relationships. A portion of this hymn will be recited during the Fire Lab.

*Included in Fundamentals, Personalized

Experience Fresh Prosperity Consciousness on Mahalakshmi Rising Day

When: Wednesday November 22, 2023 at 7:30 pm PST

Archetype: Birth of Lakshmi - Goddess of Wealth, Beauty, Grace, and Purity

Powertimes: 11th Waxing Moon (Shukla Ekadasi) during mid-November to mid-December.

Mahalakshmi Rising Day is observed every year during the 11th Waxing Moon in the Tamil month Karthigai (mid-Nov. to mid-Dec.). This is the day when Mahalakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth, Beauty, Grace, and Purity emerged in all her resplendent glory from Kshira Sagara, the Ocean of Milk.

We celebrate the birth of the Goddess Mahalakshmi when she rose from the depths of the Milky Ocean clothed in shining golden yellow. Her brilliance and divine beauty brightened all the worlds. She stepped forth with a golden pot overflowing with grains and gold in her hand.

According to sacred texts, this is an ideal day to connect with her grace and abundance-bestowing energy. Her blessings can fill you with a new prosperity consciousness and empower you to manifest all your sincere material desires.

*Included in Fundamentals, Personalized

Stimulate Gracious Relationships in All Areas of Life

When: Wednesday November 29, 2023 at 7:30 pm PST

Archetype: Lord Venus and the planetary overlord of Venus, Goddess Lakshmi

Powertimes: Venus enters Libra

Venus rules Libra, so he is comfortable entering a Zodiac sign in which he rules. Venus is ruled by Lakshmi, so we have another favorable day this month to invoke Lakshmi’s blessings.

Lord Venus in Libra can give blessings for relationships, diplomacy, balance, the arts, harmony, love, wealth, happiness, and material comforts. Libra is the natural 7th house of relationships in the Zodiac. This is a good time to be aware of relationships and how they function.

Regardless of whether relationships are good or challenging, you can ask for blessings from Venus so they can improve and become more gracious. Venus can help with personal relationships, family relationships, business relationships, and social relationships.

*Included in Fundamentals, Personalized

NEW Personalized Muruga Fire Labs during Skanda Shasti

*Limited Spots Available

Conducted November 13-26 (during Skanda Shasti through Karthigai Deepam Full Moon)

Swamini Valli, a devotee of Dr. Pillai for over 20 years, serves as your primary priestess for Pillai Center Fire Labs. She channels Dr. Pillai's blessings and energy into each Fire Lab, drawing from her extensive experience hosting these ceremonies across the globe. She will conduct these fire ceremonies during a powerful window of time when Muruga’s energy is abundant, drawing forth his divine energy and support for healing, protection, enlightenment, and transformation.



NEW Personalized Muruga Fire Labs during Skanda Shasti

*Limited Spots Available

Conducted November 13-26 (during Skanda Shasti through Karthigai Deepam Full Moon)

Swamini Valli, a devotee of Dr. Pillai for over 20 years, serves as your primary priestess for Pillai Center Fire Labs. She channels Dr. Pillai's blessings and energy into each Fire Lab, drawing from her extensive experience hosting these ceremonies across the globe. She will conduct these fire ceremonies during a powerful window of time when Muruga’s energy is abundant, drawing forth his divine energy and support for healing, protection, enlightenment, and transformation.

Each Month Swamini Valli Conducts Two Free Community Fire Labs.
One is on Religion of Religions YouTube and the other is on Pillai Center Practice YouTube. All are welcome to attend. OK to share the links on your social media.

November Community Fire Lab on Religion of Religions YouTube Channel

Friday November 24, 2023 at 7:30 PM PST

Community Fire Lab honoring Jesus, Yahweh and Mother Mary

When: Friday November 24, 2023 at 7:30 pm PST

Archetype: Mother Mary, Yahweh, Jesus

Powertimes: 13th Waxing Moon (good for karma removal) and Moon in Ashwini star (beginning a fresh cycle through the 27 stars)

The ancient spiritual ritual of the Fire Lab is a means to connect us to the Divine, have our deepest prayers answered, and experience the Holy Presence perfecting and guiding our lives. Dr. Pillai has requested that the Religion of Religions channel feature free Jesus, Yahweh, and Mother Mary Fire Labs and hydration rituals. This monthly Fire Lab for Jesus, Yahweh, and Mother Mary will be conducted by Swamini Valli. Dr. Pillai has confirmed Mary did ascend into Heaven in a light body. All are welcome.

November Community Fire Lab on Pillai Center Practice YouTube Channel

Wednesday November 30, 2023 at 7:30 PM PST

Community Fire Lab | Ganesha and Aditi (Mother Goddess) to Energize Your Success

When: Wednesday November 30, 2023 at 7:30 pm PST

Archetype: Ganesha and Aditi (Mother Goddess)

Powertimes: 4th Waning Moon (good for Ganesha) and Moon in Punarvasu star ruled by Aditi (Mother Goddess)

"Offering prayers to Lord Ganesha and chanting his mantra is said to remove obstacles. He is worshipped before undertaking any new venture to clear the path for success. Devotees sincerely pray to Lord Ganesha to protect against adversity, dispel fear, and gain material prosperity and success in life." - Dr. Pillai

"Female Power is the most powerful Energy. Beauty, expansion, fertility, joy, abundance – all these are qualities of the Feminine. It is only available during certain configurations of celestial timing. Yogis eagerly watch for this time to be in harmony with the power of the Mother Goddess.” – Dr. Pillai

This Fire Lab will be performed by Swamini Valli. It overlaps two powertimes: 4th Waning Moon, which is favorable for Ganesha, and the Moon in Punarvasu star, ruled by Aditi (Mother Goddess). If you do not know your authentic desires, you can use the mantra “ICCHA SHAKTI UMA KUMARI” to help you connect with your true, authentic desires. Ganesha and Aditi can energize your success.

Community Support

Lifetime Access to All Content

All of the coaching, meditations, and videos will be hosted on Pillai Center Academy—a private membership site accessible from any smart device with internet access.

Unlimited Support

You will receive access to unlimited Email support for any questions or concerns you may have which were not answered during the live sessions or within the training material featured on the membership site.


Up to $32 Off When You Sign Up by November 9, 2023

Choose Your Participation

Fire Lab Bundles


  • Celebrate Festival of Lights with 8 Forms of Lakshmi, Giver of Wealth
  • Experience Fresh Prosperity Consciousness on Mahalakshmi Rising Day
  • Stimulate Gracious Relationships in All Areas of Life
  • Monthly Group Coaching Session with Swamini

Price = $108


  • Celebrate Festival of Lights with 8 Forms of Lakshmi, Giver of Wealth
  • Experience Fresh Prosperity Consciousness on Mahalakshmi Rising Day
  • Stimulate Gracious Relationships in All Areas of Life
  • Monthly Group Coaching Session with Swamini
  • Individual Fire Lab of Your Choice with Swamini Valli
    (Ganesha, Shiva, Parvati, Lakshmi, Saraswati,Varahi, Vishnu, Rama, Sharaba, 9 Planets, Muruga, Angali, Karuppasamy, a Single Individual Planet, or Other Archetype upon Request)

Price = $236

Alternatively, Sign Up for Single Fire Labs of Your Choice

Celebrate Festival of Lights with 8 Forms of Lakshmi, Giver of Wealth

November 12, 2023 at 7:30 pm PST

Your Price = $45


Experience Fresh Prosperity Consciousness on Mahalakshmi Rising Day

November 22, 2023 at 7:30 pm PST

Your Price = $45

Stimulate Gracious Relationships in All Areas of Life

November 29, 2023 at 7:30 pm PST

Your Price = $45

Individual Fire Lab Coaching for Divine Intervention

*Please note that in honor of Skanda Shasti, Swamini Valli will be performing personalized Muruga Fire Labs from November 13 – 26. Therefore, individual “Manifest with Fire” Fire Labs must be scheduled before and/or after this time window. If you would like to learn more about Muruga Fire Labs and other Skanda Shasti services, you can do so here.

Mother Mary (or your choice of Vedic Archetype upon request) Fire Pit Fire Lab & Divine Intervention with Swamini Valli

Specialty Fire Pit Fire Lab with Swamini Valli: 1 Session

Price = $150

Specialty Fire Pit Fire Lab with Swamini Valli: 3 Sessions

Your Price = $405

Specialty Fire Pit Fire Lab with Swamini Valli: 9 Sessions

Your Price = $1149