Personalized Fire Rituals to Invoke Divine Support Targeted to Your Needs


What is a Fire Ritual (Fire Lab)?

The object of the Fire Ritual is to bring the power of the sound to three-dimensional form.”

— Dr. Pillai

Ancient seers and divine beings co-developed what is considered the most powerful spiritual technique on the planet, the Fire Ritual. The Fire Lab, as Dr. Pillai refers to it, is an elemental technology designed to quickly materialize formless thoughts, prayers, and mantras into tangible circumstances, experiences, and objects. 

According to the ancient Siddha and Yogic traditions, creation or manifestation is facilitated through the five elements: space/akash, air, fire, water, and earth. Fire is the most powerful of the elements, known to act as a gateway between the Earth Plane and Divine Realms. It is considered the medium through which the formless acquires form.

How Can Manifest with Fire Help Me?

Manifest with Fire is a program commissioned by Dr. Pillai to utilize powerful fire technology to invoke divine support for overcoming challenges and achieving your goals. 

This program is designed to manifest results in multiple areas including:

  • Nourishment, self-care, & comforts
  • Dissolution of problems in key life areas (health, wealth, relationships, etc.)
  • Accomplishment of the impossible
  • Planetary blessings

How Does a Fire Lab Work?

Your Host, Swamini Valli, will consult with you to identify your most pressing need(s). She will then select a divine archetype (God, Goddess, or Planet) that specializes in the areas for which you need support. She will perform an interactive fire lab to invoke the energetic presence of this divine being to ask for their blessings and support on your behalf.

Your Personalized Fire Lab incorporates the following concepts:

Preparation - Establishing a conducive state just before the Fire Lab is considered key to maximizing its powerful effects. Swamini Valli will guide you through practices to prepare your body, mind, and environment.

Participation - Managing your focus and engagement with the Fire Labs while they are being performed is said to amplify their power. You will receive mantras in advance and learn how to participate from home.

Timing - Performing Fire Labs at the right time is considered vital to creating the desired effects. Your Fire Lab(s) will be performed during select cosmic alignments related to desired results.

Archetypes - Various aspects of superconsciousness, personified as Archetypes or Gods and Goddesses, will be invoked to support the manifestation of thoughts and prayers you wish to expedite.

Prayers - If available, your name and birth star will be energetically placed into the fire by the priestess during the Fire Lab. Dr. Pillai has highlighted that this is a powerful technique to have your prayers sent to Divine Beings.

Meet Your Priestess

Priestess Swamini Valli

Swamini Valli has studied with Dr. Pillai for over 20 years. She has received a blessing from Dr. Pillai to be a primary priestess for the Pillai Center Fire Lab programs. She is deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve in this way. She knows Dr. Pillai’s blessings and energy will flow through the Fire Labs to the sponsors, along with blessings from all the various archetypes invoked in the Fire Labs. She has performed Fire Labs in North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa and continues to be delighted by this spiritual technology that Dr. Pillai shares with the world.

Pillai Center often hosts specialty group fire labs during key powertimes. Please click below if you’d like to receive updates for these events.

Free Monthly Community Fire Lab:

Watch Fire Lab Replay

Upcoming Free Fire Lab

Choose Your Participation

Upon registration, you will receive an email with instructions to book your session(s). You may join the fire labs via Zoom or request to have the fire lab performed on your behalf without being present. Swamini Valli currently performs fire labs using a fire pit.

1 Speciality Fire Lab

Your Price = $150


3 Speciality Fire Labs

Your Price = $405

9 Speciality Fire Labs

Your Price = $1,149