Siva Jeeva Nadi Leaf Readings

Personal readings to illuminate your path to self-discovery and higher understanding


Siva Jeeva Nadi Leaf Readings

Personal readings to illuminate your path to self-discovery and higher understanding

Siva Jeeva Nadi Leaf Readings:
Channel Evolved & Enlightened Beings for Personal Guidance

These readings allow Divine Beings of high vibrational states of light & love to communicate with the slower vibrating realm of Earth and her densely formed inhabitants. Through the teachings of great mystic masters, certain individuals have been empowered to understand the ability to move into these higher states to receive the messages of these Beings through the Leaves.

This technique enables these highly evolved Divine Beings to assist humans by:

  • Shifting their destiny
  • Removing obstructions
  • Imparting divine wisdom, knowledge, and guidance for current personal issues
  • Helping Earth-bound beings overcome their struggles and suffering
  • Assist in the acceleration of personal evolution and prosperity

They do this out of their great compassion & love for all, assisting us to realize we are all divine – an aspect of the Creator, the Source, or God (however one wishes to perceive this higher power).

Siva Jeeva Nadi Leaves:
Portals to Timeless Realms of Divine Wisdom

Jeeva Nadi Leaves are palm leaves that have been written on by mystical masters or sages called Siddhas. They are then reverently stored and cared for hundreds or thousands of years. The leaves are a mystical tool utilized in the realm of quantum physics.

Siddhas understand how to reach high states of consciousness which allow them to transcend the limited mortal mind, move into a timeless existence, and see beyond the illusion of time. This ability allows them to access the past, present, & future, embedding the leaves with an energetic portal or gateway for those able to connect & read them throughout time.

How Can Siva Jeeva Nadi Leaf Readings Help You Find Solutions for Your Immediate Concerns?

The readings promote shifts in your consciousness – giving clarity, confidence, and foresight of action to take in the aspects of life for which you have questions. The Leaves can also pick up on life issues that you should pay more attention to, and determine if a shift is required at that moment. Siva Jeeva Leaf readings are focused on the current moment in time vs. the past or future. What is blocking you now is what they address. 

Experience a Connection with Divine Beings
Each reading brings forth Divine Beings and their Darshan (energetic transmission)—above all else, this is the highest blessing of these readings. During your session, the Divine presently works with and through you to shift your consciousness via the Leaves and your reader’s (Guru Priya's) gift to work with them.

How do Siva Jeeva Nadi Leaf Readings Work?

  • Guru Priya explains the 1–1.5-hour reading process before beginning your session
  • Guru Priya performs an invocation of certain Deities to commence the reading
  • You are shown the Leaves to connect with them
  • Guru Priya then takes a moment to connect with the Leaves

    The Leaves speak first – a particular Deity will come forward and convey the initial message and then other Divine Beings will present themselves and convey what they wish to be known, felt, removed, or healed. 

    Sometimes not a lot is spoken but an important energetic/light transmission is given. Typically, most of the participants’ questions are answered prior to you presenting them. However, you may ask your remaining questions or request clarifications toward the end of your segment with the Divine. 

    Note: You should record the reading on your end and take notes of insights, thoughts, and images that come to you during the reading.

  • Instructions for mantra practices, home remedies or suggested done-for-you remedies will be given throughout the reading and then later verified/sent to you

Meet Your Gifted Channel: Guru Priya

Guru Priya has been gifted with the ability to access and read these Leaves by her spiritual teacher, Dr. Baskaran Pillai – an Enlightened Siddha mystic-scholar from India. Dr. Pillai has said those who can read leaves have developed the ability before in past lives.

Guru Priya has been studying with Dr. Pillai since 2001 and was given the Leaves in 2005. In 2008, she received Dr. Pillai’s request, blessings, and grace to do Siva Jeeva Nadi Leaf readings. The Leaves since then have become active or dormant based on when they are needed. Dr. Pillai has revealed that now is an important time for them.

Add Remedial Mini-Fire Lab to Your Experience

You are invited to enhance your Siva Jeeva Nadi reading experience by adding on (optional) one-on-one Mini-Fire Labs with Guru Priya.

A mini-fire lab uses a candle or ghee lamp to call on Divine support for problem areas highlighted by your Siva Jeeva Nadi reading. During this interactive experience, you can become receptive to Divine communion through prescribed mantra meditations, and merge with the Divine Beings as they are called into the fire on your behalf. Dr. Pillai has said that mini-fire labs, if performed properly, are just as powerful as a traditional fire ritual.

See the package options below to add Mini-Fire Labs to your Siva Jeeva Nadi reading experience.

*Please note that guidance may come through your reading for additional prescribed remedies that can be arranged separately.

Read About Others’ Experiences

Recipients have felt the loving energy from the Divine and have received internally their own personal messages, upliftment, and empowerment during the process. Those with the gift of spiritual vision have seen beautiful light emanate through Guru Priya when the leaves are activated.

"The Nadi reading with Guru Priya was truly divine. I could feel her open heart and loving connection with the divine realms throughout our time together. The information that came through the leaves was very powerful and relevant to my current situation—exactly the guidance I needed. The Nadi leaves are a powerful instrument, and Guru Priya is a very graceful reader. To anyone considering a reading, I highly recommend it! You will be in loving hands."


“I booked a Jeeva Nadi reading out of curiosity, not knowing what to expect. I have come away very impressed and amazed at how accurately it captured the essence of what I am dealing with right now. 

The messages were very uplifting, offering insights and practical solutions I can work with. Most of my questions were answered. Issues got shifted and healed. What a blessing!”


“I would like to attest to Guru Priya's incredibly PURE channel to the divine! I had a Jeeva Nadi reading with Guru Priya and was blessed to have this in person. I can only say what an incredible experience this was. Guru Priya was a direct channel to Baba, Shiva, and Parvati in my particular case. Her reading gave me specific feedback on their (Baba, Shiva, and Parvati’s) feelings of where I was at in my life and what I had been doing up to this point.

In my particular case, this really assisted me to know that I was on the right track with my family, and they also gave me further practical instructions as to what actions I could take, meditations to carry out in order to move further into facing my fears and overcoming my personal challenges. 

As Guru Priya went through the reading, I could feel and visualize exactly what she was describing through her detailed descriptions. It was as if she was acting as my eyes so that I may see directly what the Divine's message was for me and it eliminated ME getting in the way of receiving the pure message. She was also able to provide the channel for the divine to be able to provide their energy to me in various centers of my body.

Words, of course, can never describe what this process was like and the shift that this made within my being. I can only say that if you are able to carry out this divine service for yourself, it is truly a beautiful experience by the grace of [Dr. Pillai]."

With Gratitude, Love and Grace Light,
MJS, Canada

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What will happen during my reading? How will I be affected?
A: Many things happen in the readings which certainly can't be explained, but the Divine's interaction with you & your higher self, depending on your sensitivities, will be felt. You may actually hear them and be aware of their presence with you--it has been an incredibly moving experience for many who have completed the readings.
Q: Is it guaranteed that I will connect with a Divine Being?
A: An important part of this experience is to be receptive to the Divine, understanding that they exist and truly are present, overseeing and giving you the guidance that your soul seeks. Participants best suited for this type of reading should have a strong spiritual practice and faith in the Divine, as doubt and negativity can block the reading and make it difficult to get clear answers. It's important to enter your session with an open heart, leaving fear aside.

The reading begins with the Divine connecting through the Leaves and using Guru Priya as the channel. Every reading is different; sometimes the Divine Beings say a lot, while other readings cater more to energetic communication (darshan). They determine it; every reading always shows something new in the Divine's wish to assist, guide, and communicate with you.

Previous participants have reported feeling the loving energy from the Divine and have received internally their own personal messages, upliftment, and empowerment during the process. Those with the gift of spiritual vision have seen beautiful light emanate through Guru Priya when the leaves are activated.

Q: How are Siva Jeeva Nadi Leaf Readings different from other spiritual readings?
A: This Siva Jeeva Nadi Reading is different from other types of Nadi Readings. The Jeevas tend to be based on your immediate needs to shift your current concerns, perspective, and blockages. They focus on boosting, assisting, and shifting things for the recipient, catering more to the current moment.

The Siva Jeeva Nadi reading differs from the other Nadi's that give you specific information on dates, names, and occurrences. Those readings give you past life occurrences, predictions, and remedies, whereas this Siva Jeeva Nadi reading focuses on internal shifts, awakenings, healings, and suggestions for remedies. You are drawn and called to the Jeeva Nadi when your soul says it's time for change NOW.

Q: Should I do anything to prepare for my reading?
A: Yes. It's important to prepare your questions and have them clear in your mind for your reading. These questions are not given to the Pillai Center or Guru Priya prior to the reading.

It is requested that you shower before your session and meditate (quiet the mind) for 15 mins or longer prior to your reading, if possible. It is also recommended not to eat 2 hours prior to your reading.

Having the following items present can help set the stage and empower your reading:
  • Your favorite flowers (roses if available)
  • fruit (no bitter/sour fruits)
  • A ghee lamp or non-petroleum-based candle (bee, soy or coconut wax)
  • Incense
  • If you have an altar, perhaps be near to that.
Q: Can I ask my own questions to the Divine Beings during my reading?
A: The Divine Being(s) will address you first with their message for you. You may ask for clarity at any time. They will give you the opportunity to ask specific questions of your choice. Please know that they will generally give you guidance to your question but not the direct solution, for this is your journey to learn and evolve through.

However, their energy will shift things for you and within you to facilitate change. The readings have given people immediate results via spontaneous opportunities to redirect or boost their careers.

They usually always give mantras and/or Archetypes that you should currently focus on as remedies. They have also given some people body parts to focus on for healing, even prior to the recipient's knowledge of a health issue.

Q: How long do the readings last?
A: The Siva Jeeva Nadi Readings last anywhere from 1 to 1.5 hours.
Q: Do I need to provide any personal information for the reading?
A: Your full name, birth time, date, and place are required to book a reading in motion. Readings are not done on the 8th or 9th moon, Krittika, Rohini, or Mrigashira nakshatra days. If you do not have your exact time of birth, you may wish to visit this page for assistance in acquiring accurate birth times. Guru Priya will provide you with available dates and times for your reading. It is recommended that you choose a day and hora (hour) that is most suitable for you based on your birth details, as applied to Vedic Astrology and the way the planets will impact you at the time of your reading.

Embark on a Journey of Spiritual Revelation:
Experience Your Siva Jeeva Nadi Leaf Reading to Unveil Hidden Secrets

Siva Jeeva Leaf Reading

  • One Siva Jeeva Nadi Leaf Reading with Guru Priya (1 – 1.5 hours)
  • Instructions for mantra practices, home remedies or suggested done-for-you remedies revealed in your reading

Price = $295

Siva Jeeva Leaf Reading + 1 Mini-Fire Lab

  • One Siva Jeeva Nadi Leaf Reading with Guru Priya (1 – 1.5 hours)
  • Instructions for mantra practices, home remedies or suggested done-for-you remedies revealed in your reading
  • 1 Mini-Fire Lab

Price = $465

Payment Plan

Price = $256/month (for 2 months)

Siva Jeeva Leaf Reading + 3 Mini-Fire Labs

  • One Siva Jeeva Nadi Leaf Reading with Guru Priya (1 – 1.5 hours)
  • Instructions for mantra practices, home remedies or suggested done-for-you remedies revealed in your reading
  • 3 Mini-Fire Labs

Price = $834

Payment Plan

Price = $458/month (for 2 months)