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Offer Available Until August 15 @ 7 pm PT

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“I am going to dedicate this current Ganesha’s Birthday to this particular form of Ganesha called Heramba Ganesha, the Golden Ganesha. I’m invoking him to come and bless everyone with gold, gold is real money. Heramba Ganesha will find a way to bring money to you, resources to you. He has the power to do this instantaneously because he is also the God beyond time and space.”

Dr. Pillai

Access the Golden Ganesha’s Blessings for Wealth & Affluence

According to Dr. Pillai, Ganesha is the primordial being in the universe who personifies preeminence, or the most exalted state. Each of his unique forms represents a preeminent power and intelligence which he can pass on to you. The Golden Ganesha, Heramba, is the form of Ganesha who will be presiding over Ganesha’s 2020 birthday. He is said to specialize in:

  • Attracting wealth and affluence
  • Experience the highest self-esteem
  • Manifest instantaneously beyond time and space
  • Be protected from negative forces that keep you stuck in suffering

According to the Siddha Amarakavi Siddeswara, in the book Secrets Behind Divine Worship, which Dr. Pillai wrote the foreword to, Heramba Ganesha grants us the experience of the Divine mind, and thus, the Divine reality. He does this by removing our attachments to wrong concepts which create suffering. With his grace, you can experience an effortless shift in consciousness, which naturally creates a 200% life, 100% spiritual, and 100% material.

Invite the Golden Ganesha During a Momentous Time in History

According to Dr. Pillai, it is Ganesha who comes first to initiate the Golden Age. He revealed that Ganesha’s 2020 birthday is when Ganesha will be coming to officially initiate the first Golden Age in modern times. Dr. Pillai teaches that Heramba Ganesha is the one who rules the Golden Age, and as the presiding Ganesha for Ganesha’s upcoming birthday, he will be the one who performs the initiation.

Dr. Pillai is working very closely with him, and Heramba Ganesha is using Dr. Pillai to prepare and bless people for this momentous time in history. By participating, you can be among the first group of people who helped bring this Ganesha to the earth plane!

Golden Ganesha Combo Program

Double Blessings to Gain Preeminent Wealth & Power

This program uses a double-blessing approach to maximize your blessings from two of the most active forms of Ganesha during Ganesha’s most powerful time of the year: Heramba Ganesha who personifies preeminent wealth and Ganesha Anjaneya who personifies preeminent power and intelligence.

You will receive:

Dr. Pillai’s Golden Ganesha Initiation Webcast ($57 Value)

Secrets of Golden Ganesha: Acquire the Power of Gold (Wealth)

“This webcast is about Heramba Ganapati. He is a special form of Ganesha with five elephant heads. He is in charge of gold, mountains of gold. He will give you so much gold that it is impossible to spend all of it. I will give you the theory and the practice of how to contact the Heramba Maha Ganapati.”

- Dr. Pillai

45-Day Pooja to Dr. Pillai’s New Grand Golden Ganesha & Ganesha Anjaneya 5-Foot Statues ($68 Value)

Dr. Pillai was recently guided to create two Grand 5-Foot Statues of the Golden Ganesha, Heramba, and a new form of Ganesha, Ganesha Anjaneya. Ganesha Anjaneya is the combined power of Ganesha and Anjaneya and blesses you with unlimited mental, spiritual, and physical power, a clear mind, and superintelligence. Together, these are the two most active forms of Ganesha who can give you incredible blessings during this most auspicious time.

These special offering ceremonies will be performed for 45 consecutive days to the newly consecrated statues of Heramba Ganapati and Ganesha Anjaneya for their blessings of wealth, power, and intelligence.

  • Individual Pooja to Heramba Ganesha
  • Individual Pooja to Ganesha Anjaneya (Aadyanta Prabhu)


Your Special Offer = $95 

(Save $32 or Over 25% for Limited Time)

Take Advantage of This Limited-Time Opportunity

Use the button below to take advantage of this limited-time opportunity to combine both of these powerful offerings from Dr. Pillai together for the most affordable way to participate. This opportunity will be available only until August 15, at 7 pm PT. Join the live airing of the webcast at 7 pm PT.

Participate and Enjoy Over 25% Savings


Offer Expires Aug. 15 @ 7 pm PT

