Fire Up Your Life!

With Benefit-Giving Fire Labs with Swamini Valli

“Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.” (Rumi, Persian poet and Sufi mystic)


Fire Up Your Life!

With Benefit-Giving Fire Labs with Swamini Valli

“Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.” (Rumi, Persian poet and Sufi mystic)

Discover the Ancient Secret to Prosperity & Fulfillment

In the Vedic tradition, Agni is the archetype or angel of the fire element. He opens a doorway or portal through the fire so that prayers, wishes, and quantum sounds (mantras) can go through the fire into the spiritual realms. The divine beings hear the prayers and send blessings into the Earth plane directly to the participants. This accelerates pragmatic results for the participants in the material world and also helps shift their consciousness into a life with more hope and joy.

From ancient times, fire ceremonies have been a special spiritual technology for helping people experience both transformation and purification in the three-dimensional world.

In the Vedic tradition, Krishna tells his student Arjuna, “Through the performance of fire sacrifices, become abundantly prosperous.” (The Bhagavad Gita, Chapter III, Verse 10)

Your Gateway to Divine Blessings

Dr. Pillai has blessed Swamini Valli to perform fire pit Fire Labs for Pillai Center as a priestess. In each Fire Lab, she offers ghee, special herbs, grains, flowers, and other suitable ingredients along with special sounds to invoke particular archetypes to give direct assistance to the participants. The fire consumes the offerings as a sacrifice. Fire itself always goes up in the direction of heaven.

Dr. Pillai wants people to take advantage of the effectiveness of the Fire Lab’s spiritual technology. He has reminded us that Krishna said, “At the beginning of creation, Prajapati created both sacrifices and the human race. He told the humans, ‘Let the sacrifices be the bestower of all you need.’”

“The Gods, being pleased by the sacrifice, will please the humans. Prosperity will be created by the mutual co-operation of man and the Gods through sacrifice.” (The Bhagavad Gita, Chapter III, Verse 11)

Your Gateway to Divine Blessings

Dr. Pillai has blessed Swamini Valli to perform fire pit Fire Labs for Pillai Center as a priestess. In each Fire Lab, she offers ghee, special herbs, grains, flowers, and other suitable ingredients along with special sounds to invoke particular archetypes to give direct assistance to the participants. The fire consumes the offerings as a sacrifice. Fire itself always goes up in the direction of heaven.

Dr. Pillai wants people to take advantage of the effectiveness of the Fire Lab’s spiritual technology. He has reminded us that Krishna said, “At the beginning of creation, Prajapati created both sacrifices and the human race. He told the humans, ‘Let the sacrifices be the bestower of all you need.’”

“The Gods, being pleased by the sacrifice, will please the humans. Prosperity will be created by the mutual co-operation of man and the Gods through sacrifice.” (The Bhagavad Gita, Chapter III, Verse 11)

A Special Message from Your Priestess

"I’m excited to be doing fire pit Fire Labs for Pillai Center with Dr. Pillai’s blessing. I am using a beautiful pueblo-style fireplace in New Mexico. (Fire Lab is a term coined by Dr. Pillai to describe an ancient spiritual technology that uses the fire element in a ceremony. Fire Labs quickly materialize formless thoughts, prayers and mantras into tangible circumstances, experiences and objects.)

When I was in college taking a Shakespeare class, I laughed out loud reading this exchange in Henry IV, part 1. One character bragged, “I can call the spirits from the vasty deep.”

Another character responds, “Why, so can I, or so can any man. But will they come, when you do call for them?”

I have been studying with Dr. Pillai for almost 25 years, and in that time, he has introduced many divine archetypes to us. With his blessings, when I call on them in a Fire Lab, they do come. I know that these work for people based on feedback I have received.

People request Fire Labs for different reasons: health, relationships, career, spiritual growth, academic success, finances, business development, to give thanks to a divine being who has helped them, etc.

I am also an AstroVed astrologer. I do schedule the Fire Labs for times that will support the intention of the Fire Lab. Many people like to watch the Fire Lab live. Some people have taken pictures of flames that look like an archetype or see images in the light on the back wall.

Sometimes the person knows what archetype they wish to have as the main deity for the Fire Lab, and sometimes I help suggest one based on the person’s intention or purpose.

While I do send out mantra lists for the individual Fire Labs, people do not need to know the mantras in advance. In ancient times, the royalty would attend a Fire Lab and the priest would do the chanting and praying and they would simply absorb the energies they needed to help do their jobs in guiding the kingdom. You are welcome to just receive the sounds and prayers or to join in at home as you prefer.

For the individual Fire Labs, I do some one-on-one coaching with the person at the beginning so I am clear on their intentions. I personalize the prayers in English and do the mantras in Sanskrit or Tamil.

It is very rewarding to help people get their life “fired up”! Wishing you well.”

~ Swamini Valli Wells

Individual Benefit-Giving Fire Labs

Upon registration, you will receive an email with instructions to book your session(s). You may join the fire labs via Zoom or request to have the fire lab performed on your behalf without being present. Swamini Valli currently performs fire labs using a fire pit.

1 Individual Benefit-Giving Fire Lab with Swamini Valli

Price = $150

Join Here

3 Individual Benefit-Giving Fire Labs with Swamini Valli

Price = $405

9 Individual Benefit-Giving Fire Labs with Swamini Valli

Price = $1,149

Sharaba Fire Lab for
Destroying Negativity

*NEW* 1 Individual Sharaba Fire Lab for Destroying Negativity with Swamini Valli

Sharaba is a very powerful, fierce form of Shiva. Dr. Pillai has said the sounds for Sharaba are the “nuclear warhead sounds.” Sharaba can destroy demonic energies, evil eye, jealousies and strong negativities within and without.

Price = $150


Sharaba Fire Lab for Destroying Negativity

*NEW* 1 Individual Sharaba Fire Lab for Destroying Negativity with Swamini Valli

Sharaba is a very powerful, fierce form of Shiva. Dr. Pillai has said the sounds for Sharaba are the “nuclear warhead sounds.” Sharaba can destroy demonic energies, evil eye, jealousies and strong negativities within and without.

Price = $150

Community Fire Lab | Let Go of Negativity and Invite New Beginnings during a New Moon

Saturday, November 30, 2024, 7:30 pm PST

You are invited to join Priestess Swamini Valli for our monthly Community Fire Lab. All are welcome.

Dr. Pillai has said, “You can connect with the divine beings who can destroy demons on the New Moon. The New Moon is a time for new beginnings. On this day, we have an opportunity to let go of things which no longer serve us and make room for new things to come.”

Dr. Pillai has explained that the New Moon is a time for going within. He has explained, “If you want enlightenment, then you meditate on a New Moon. The New Moon is the time for connecting with the archetypes of Gods and Angels that give you transcendence as a samadhi experience. It can also be something that can take you out of the mind and give you a divine experience. The New Moon is a favourable time for the mind to grow into a quiet state.”

* To get the current 2024 and the newly released 2025 AstroVed Calendar, please download here:

* To receive a free weekly astrology forecast email from Pillai Center

Community Fire Lab | Let Go of Negativity and Invite New Beginnings during a New Moon

Saturday, November 30, 2024, 7:30 pm PST

You are invited to join Priestess Swamini Valli for our monthly Community Fire Lab. All are welcome.

Swami Ramalingam was a 19th century Tamil siddha master who in 1874 turned his body into light and disappeared. Lord Shiva had given a mantra to him saying, “This mantra will evolve humanity to the status of Light Beings.”

This Fire Lab will include the quantum sounds of that mantra.

Dr. Pillai has talked about how

  • Swami Ramalingam taught the importance of Love and with connecting at the heart
  • these sounds invoke the Grace Light
  • how these sounds invite direct participation of the Divine in human affairs
  • how the Grace Light can help you to feel love and intelligence on all levels
  • Swami Ramalingam demonstrated the importance of compassion by feeding the hungry

*To get the current 2024 and the newly released 2025 AstroVed Calendar, please download here: