Next Session on May 14 at 6:30 pm PDT
(May 15 at 1:30 am UTC)

The childhood song lyric "life is but a dream" has a lot of truth to it. 

Join the free weekly Atomic Dreaming calls, hosted by Swamini Valli Wells, a Pillai Center teacher and AstroVed astrologer, to experience waking-state techniques to help liberate your mind at the particle level and draw on the tremendous power of the atom.

Dr. Pillai has said that Swamini Valli is the right person to share these teachings with the world. During each weekly call, she has been sharing two techniques from Dr. Pillai that are from the enlightened siddha tradition: 

  • One technique is especially focused on experiences of material “goodies.” People are having a lot of fun using this technique during the week and reporting their experiences on the weekly calls.
  • The other technique is for a more heavenly experience. Due to requests from the Atomic Dreaming community, on each call, the group does this technique together in silence for 5 minutes and then shares experiences.
Click Here to Join Us on Pillai Center Practice Youtube Channel

“We use only the mind-body consciousness where the body and mind together give you a sense of reality. You never consciously intend to separate the body from the mind. There are meditations that the siddhas do to separate their body and the mind… [and these] will help you to separate your mind from the body. Then you can go to the soul. But this first exercise is important. And it will be so liberating for the mind.” 

~ Dr. Pillai

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