Occurs during Rare Planetary Alignment after 60 years

Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, & Moon in Their Own Signs

2 Grand Fire Labs | 2 Tarpanam (Ancestral Rituals) | Sacred Vedic Text Reading

Cow Feeding | Food Feeding

Live on July 28 2022, 4:30AM PDT | 7:30AM EDT | 11:30AM UTC | 5:00PM IST



Occurs during Rare Planetary Alignment after 60 years

Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, & Moon in Their Own Signs

2 Grand Fire Labs | 2 Tarpanam (Ancestral Rituals) | Sacred Vedic Text Reading

Cow Feeding | Food Feeding

Live on July 28 2022, 4:30AM PDT | 7:30AM EDT | 11:30AM UTC | 5:00PM IST

“The majority of your thoughts come from your ancestors, and you can change them by honoring your connection with your ancestors. Every aspect of your life can be improved by looking at your relationship with your ancestors. There are only a few times when you can do this very successfully, and one such time is Aadi Amavasya.”

– Dr. Pillai


Aadi Amavasya: New Moon That Helps Your Ancestors Cross Over

Aadi Amavasya, the New Moon in July, is one of the most important days to honor your ancestors as they are more willing and able to come down to the earth plane and receive special offerings and prayers to help liberate them and enable them to ascend to higher planes.

Dr. Pillai says that it is challenging to progress in life without the blessings of your ancestors. Moreover, familial curses can become major impediments to your happiness and prosperity. However, when your ancestors are satisfied and cross over successfully, they can become your greatest benefactors, bestow their abundant blessings to remove blockages to your progress and provide wealth and overall well-being for you and your future generations.

To help you take advantage of this ancestral powertime, Pillai Center has designed a special suite of services that will be performed by learned priests which include sponsoring Tarpanam (Ancestral Ritual) at 2 prominent salvation Powerspots, 2 Grand Fire Labs, Sacred Vedic Text Reading, Food Feeding, Donation, and Cow Feeding rituals to help appease your ancestors, free them from their suffering, and invite their blessings to remove hardships in life, resolve problems, and restore your wealth and well-being.

Significance of the New Moon in Aadi Month

This year, Aadi Amavasya falls on Jul. 28, 2022 (IST). This is the first New Moon that occurs when the Sun moves in the southward direction called Dakshinayan, and enters the zodiac sign Cancer. The sign Cancer is the first Moksha Trikona sign. Among the 4 Purusha Arthas, which are the goals of our human experience, Moksha is also called Vimoksha, Vimukti, and Mukti, which is liberation, release, and enlightenment.

Hence, when the Sun enters the first Moksha sign, Cancer, our ancestors, called Pitrus in Sanskrit, become powerful and come down to receive their offerings to attain Moksha. According to Vishnu Dharma Shastra, the New Moon Day is the ideal time to offer prayers to your ancestors as they have the power to elevate your status and bless you with success and good fortune.

Aadi Goddess Month 2022 : Invite Sublime Goddess Energy (Shakti) For Miracles in Your Life

Why is Aadi Amavasya So Special This Year?

Aadi Amavasya this year records some rare occurrences that make it very auspicious and unique:

  • Both luminaries (Sun and Moon) will be in the most auspicious star, Pushya
  • Pushya star falls on Thursday, which makes it the ideal time to appease your ancestors and remove all obstacles that hinder you from attracting fortune and wealth
  • Sun and Moon will receive direct aspect (7th aspect) from Saturn, which occurs only when it is placed in Capricorn, and can help clear bad ancestral karma
  • Sun and Moon will receive 5th aspect from expansion planet Jupiter which bestows auspicious blessings
  • A once-in-60-years planetary alignment of 4 powerful planets in their own signs (Jupiter in Pisces, Saturn in Capricorn, Mars in Aries, Moon in Cancer) supported by the cosmic energy of the day can help appease your ancestors and invoke their abundant blessings to resolve health, financial, and relationship problems

Importance of Tarpanam Rituals on Aadi Amavasya

Tarpanam is a simple yet powerful act to change your destiny. It is a technique of satisfying your ancestors by offering them food, black sesame seeds, rice, and water. Tarpanam can be done for seven generations of maternal and paternal ancestors, loved ones, and those who had an untimely death. When satisfied, the ancestors will help clear negative tendencies and shortcomings and resolve problems in your life.

Our trained experts in Tarpanam will ensure that the right procedures are followed to satisfy the ancestors and help them move to higher planes of light. The deities for Pitrus are Vasu, Rudra, and Aditya. They will be invoked by chanting sacred mantras and help transport the food called ‘swadha’ to the ancestors, which pleases them greatly and gives them joy.

Benefits of Performing Tarpanam Rituals

  • Confers longevity
  • Grants good progeny
  • Gives fame, wealth, happiness & food grains

Do’s and Don’ts to follow on Aadi Amavasya Day

  • Offer food to others or sponsor food feeding
  • Be grateful, especially to your parents
  • Avoid consuming non-vegetarian food
  • Don’t partake in unhealthy habits & addictions
  • Maintain celibacy
  • Remain in silence at least for an hour
  • Chant OM NAMA SHIVAYA or OM NAMO NARAYANA for an hour
  • Do not consume spicy food items, onion & garlic
  • Donate raw banana, rice, and moong dhal
  • On this special day, pray for your health, wealth & good fortune


According to sacred texts, Powerspot beliefs, and traditional practices, performing the below Aadi Amavasya rituals to your ancestors can bestow the following blessings

2 Fire Labs to Liberate Ancestral Souls & Grant Happiness & Prosperity

3−Priest Karuppaswamy Fire Lab (For Immediate Relief from Hardships)

  • Drives away evil forces
  • Grants Divine justice
  • Destroys treachery & falsehoods
  • Eradicates hardships & jealousy
  • Safeguards health & wealth


Jul. 28, 2022 at 5:00 pm IST

Thila Fire Lab (Fire Lab with Sesame Seeds for Ancestors) at Rameshwaram

  • Helps liberate ancestral souls
  • Restores health
  • Resolves financial issues
  • Enhances harmonious relationships
  • Grants peace, prosperity & happiness


Jul. 22, 2022

2 Tarpanam (Ancestral Rituals) to Dissolve Karma & Remove Energy Blocks

Tarpanam on Aadi Amavasya Day at Kasi

  • Relieves ancestral suffering
  • Bestows Moksha (salvation)
  • Absolves bad karma
  • Confers merits of good deeds of the past
  • Enables peace & prosperity

Jeeva Karunya Tarpanam at Thila Tharpanapuri

  • Helps liberate ancestors
  • Appeases souls of pet animals & those we have unknowingly harmed
  • Wards off karmic afflictions
  • Removes energy blocks
  • Grants happiness

Food Feeding & Donation to Vedic Priests for Longevity, Health & Wealth

Food Feeding & Dakshina (Donation) to Vedic Priests (3 Nos)

  • Helps receive the blessings of your Gurus
  • Grants relief from their curses in your previous births
  • Reduces the intensity of negative karma
  • Bestows Ayur, Arogyam and Aishwaryam (longevity, health & wealth) blessings
  • Helps gain salvation

Cow Feeding Ritual to Grant Relief & Salvation to Ancestors

Cow Feeding

  • Eliminates Pitru Dosha (Ancestral Affliction)
  • Ends the cycle of birth & death
  • Provides abundance & prosperity blessings
  • Helps resolve planetary afflictions

Sacred Vedic Text Reading To Absolve Worst Sins

Gokarna Bhagavata Saptaha (Sacred Vedic Text) Reading

  • Grants relief for a soul who has committed the worst sins

Ancestral Afflictions Report to Remove Curses

Pitru Dosha (Ancestral Afflictions) Report

  • Helps identify ancestral afflictions in birth chart through planetary combinations & placements
  • Helps understand the impact of ancestral curses
  • Provides remedial solutions to mitigate the affliction


Aadi Amavasya Essential Package

  • Tarpanam (Ancestral Ritual) on Aadi Amavasya Day at Kasi
  • Gokarna Bhagavata Saptaha (Sacred Vedic Text) Reading
  • Food Feeding & Dakshina (Donation) to Vedic Priests (3 Nos)
  • Cow Feeding

Participate in Pillai Center’s Aadi Amavasya Essential Package services that include Tarpanam (Ancestral Ritual), Sacred Vedic Text Reading, Food Feeding, Donation, and Cow Feeding ritual to help liberate your ancestral souls and invoke their abundant blessing for peace, progress, and prosperity.

US $61

   BUY NOW   

Please Note: We will not be shipping any Prasad after the Tarpanam ritual, as it is generally considered inauspicious to possess it.

Aadi Amavasya Enhanced Package

  • 3−Priest Karuppaswamy Fire Lab (For Immediate Relief from Hardships) on Jul. 28, 2022 at 5:00 pm (IST)
  • Thila Fire Lab (With Sesame Seeds for Ancestors) at Rameshwaram on Jul. 28, 2022
  • Tarpanam (Ancestral Ritual) on Aadi Amavasya Day at Kasi
  • Jeeva Karunya Tarpanam at Thila Tharpanapuri.
  • Gokarna Bhagavata Saptaha (Sacred Vedic Text) Reading
  • Food Feeding & Dakshina (Donation) to Vedic Priests (3 Nos)
  • Cow Feeding

Participate in Pillai Center’s Aadi Amavasya Enhanced Package services that include 2 Fire Labs, 2 Tarpanam (Ancestral Rituals), Sacred Vedic Text Reading, Food Feeding, Donation, and Cow Feeding rituals to invoke the grace of your ancestors, liberate them from suffering, and grant you blessings of well-being, happiness, progress and prosperity.

Please Note: We will not be shipping any Prasad after the Tarpanam ritual, as it is generally considered inauspicious to possess it.

Aadi Amavasya Advanced Package

  • Individual Karuppaswamy Fire Lab (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • Thila Fire Lab (With Sesame Seeds for Ancestors) at Rameshwaram
  • Tarpanam (Ancestral Ritual) on Aadi Amavasya Day at Kasi
  • Jeeva Karunya Tarpanam at Thila Tharpanapuri
  • Gokarna Bhagavata Saptaha (Sacred Vedic Text) Reading
  • Food Feeding & Dakshina (Donation) to Vedic Priests (3 Nos)
  • Cow Feeding
  • Pitru Dosha (Ancestral Affliction) Report

Participate in Pillai Center’s Aadi Amavasya Advanced Package services that include 2 Fire Labs, 2 Tarpanam (Ancestral Rituals), Sacred Vedic Text Reading, Food Feeding, Donation, and Cow Feeding to help liberate your ancestors, enable them to gain salvation, receive their abundant blessings to remove blockages to progress, and bestow well-being, peace, wealth and prosperity.

Please Note: We will not be shipping any Prasad after the Tarpanam ritual, as it is generally considered inauspicious to possess it.


Cow Donation Program

Participate in Pillai Center’s Cow Donation Program on the auspicious Aadi Amavasya, the ideal time to attain the blessings of the sacred cow which can help you across three kinds of hells and the treacherous River Vaitharini, to attain salvation, grant relief from planetary afflictions, overcome enemy actions and threats, banish obstacles to business and career growth, and help mitigate the malefic effects of Sade Sati (7 ½-year period of Saturn), Ashtama Sani (Saturn in the 8th House) & Artha Ashtama Sani (Saturn in the 4th House), Rahu-Ketu afflictions in the birth chart.

US $1250


Cow Feeding Program

Participate in Pillai Center’s Cow Feeding Program to attain the Divine merits of all 330 million Gods and Goddesses on the Aadi Amavasya Power Moon which offers comfort to restless ancestral souls, relieves negative consequences of ancestral sins and curses, bestows prosperity, mental peace and happiness.

  • 3 Months Nutritional Support Program
  • 6 Months Nutritional Support Program
  • 12 Months Nutritional Support Program

Cow Nutritional Support 3 Month Program

US $135

Cow Nutritional Support 6 Month Program

US $270

Cow Nutritional Support 12 Month Program

US $540

Feeding the Poor (27 /54 /108 people)

According to scriptures, donating food is considered to be the greatest charity. Feeding the poor and needy can enable you to receive the blessings of your ancestors. Participating in the food feeding ritual on Aadi Amavasya can help attain merit, free you from life’s problems, attract positive energy, and grant you success in all walks of life.

Feeding the Poor (27 People) on Aadi Amavasya

US $54

Feeding the Poor (54 People) on Aadi Amavasya

US $108

Feeding the Poor (108 People) on Aadi Amavasya

US $216

1 Year Tarpanam Program

Book your 1-Year Tarpanam Program on Aadi Amavasya. Tarpanam is the essential ritual to resolve every kind of problem, and it is the greatest act you can do to help liberate your ancestors and help free your children from problems created by negative ancestral influences. Participate in our 1-Year Tarpanam Program at Kasi, Rameshwaram, Thila Tharpanapuri and special Kerala Powerspot to resolve your bad ancestral karma and help you gain their blessings throughout the year.

Please Note: We will not be shipping any Prasad after the Tarpanam ritual, as it is generally considered inauspicious to possess it.

1 Year Tarpanam Program Essential Package: Full Payment

US $868

1 Year Tarpanam Program Essential Package: Monthly Installment

US $72

1 Year Tarpanam Program Enhanced Package: Full Payment

US $1079

1 Year Tarpanam Program Enhanced Package: Monthly Installment

US $90

1 Year Tarpanam Program Advanced Package: Full Payment

US $1520

1 Year Tarpanam Program Advanced Package: Monthly Installment

US $127

1 Year Tarpanam Program Advanced Plus Package: Full Payment

US $4299

1 Year Tarpanam Program Advanced Plus Package: Monthly Installment

US $359

Individual Maha Tarpanam at Kerala

Book you Individual Maha Tarpanam at Kerala on Aadi Amavasya day. Performing Maha Tarpanam for your ancestors at Kerala on the day of Aadi Amavasya can help elevate the souls of your ancestors and bring you their blessings to start anew with abundant health, wealth and loving relationships.

Please Note: We will not be shipping any Prasad after the Tarpanam ritual, as it is generally considered inauspicious to possess it.

US $470


Individual Karuppasamy Fire Lab

Book your Individual Karuppaswamy Fire Lab that invokes the blessings of archetype Karuppasamy, who is a powerful combination of four archetypes namely, Kala Bhairava, Narasimha, Veerabhadra and Rudra. The blessings of Karuppasamy can bring Divine justice and quickly drive away dark forces, falsehood, and treachery, grant financial stability and success, and bestow good relationships, children, improve employment, and career.

Please Note:

We will not be shipping any Prasad after performing this Fire Lab

US $140

Individual Thila Fire Lab

Book your Individual Thila Fire Lab to help pacify your ancestors and bring their blessings for you to progress in life and resolve health, financial, and relationship problems.

Please Note:

As this is an elaborate ritual, we are taking only limited bookings. Only 3 Bookings can be taken to be performed on Aadi Amavasya.

US $865

Pitru Dosha Report

Pitru Dosha (Ancestral Affliction), is the presence of harmful energies in a birth chart indicating sins or curses owing to one’s ancestors. These afflictions can be severe and impact your personal life, profession, health, and financial issues. Our expert Vedic Astrologers can help you identify any ancestral afflictions you may have by studying planetary combinations and placement in your birth chart, and offer remedial measures to overcome their harmful impact.


Any deliverables for Aadi Services will be shipped only after the end of Aadi month.

US $40